& What Does it Mean to You 2018 CTA & What Does it Mean to You
What is CTA Career and Technical Act Purpose Formerly the Colorado Vocational Act Started in 1970 State law – long bill Purpose Formula Based Reimbursement General Funds Spent
For CTA Eligibility Tied to a program approval Active and approved program Credentialed Instructors General fund dollars that Support CTE
Eligible Costs Instructional Costs Books Supplies and Other Equipment Contract Costs
Non Eligible Costs & What CTA is not Items purchased with Perkins - Fund similar/same things To fund general educational needs No designation where the reimbursement goes A dollar for dollar reimbursement
What it Means to you
Advocate for yourself Low class sizes are a good thing The more CTE the better, CTE % Careful of independent studies and “stacked classes” Your District received reimbursement because of CTE programs
What is needed for the Report Schools Master Schedule Program Approval Student Enrollment #s Contracts with host schools HR Teaching Credentials CTE Certifications CTE Credentials Contracts Business Manager General leger for supplies General leger for equipment General leger for substitutes Payroll records Host school records
Reimbursement Equation Input Where it comes from Total Cost for Districts $ reported by District Total FTE for District Based on students per CTE Instructor Total Costs per FTE $ per FTE PPOR for District Reported by CDE
Reporting Best Practices
Instructional Costs CTA Reporting of Teachers Schedules Updated Credential Info Substitute Teachers CTE Sick or Annual Paraprofessionals
Books, Supplies, Other, Equipment Books Supplies and Other These are all individual items that are less than $5,000.00 Equipment These are all individual items that are more than $5,000.00 Both Not purchased with Perkins Career and Tech Ed use only All items reported must be for CTE only Must have documentation for all items Keep receipts and make copies and notes
Contracts This is where you will report anything financial related to contracting Post secondary (with program approval) Other Secondary approved programs Cost of sending students out Income of brining students in
Best Practices Small Class Size High Costs Have your data accurate Deadlines Documentation of funding sources and Identify CTE costs Communicate – many key players
Questions About CTA?
Jacqui Geiselman CTA Manager 720-858-2595 Jacqui.Geiselman@cccs.edu Contact Information Jacqui Geiselman CTA Manager 720-858-2595 Jacqui.Geiselman@cccs.edu