I believe in the power of collaboration to solve problems Debi Willis CEO / Founder of PatientLink Wife, Mother Daughter - of a brilliant woman with Alzheimer’s Sister - of an incredible woman who died of brain cancer Cancer Survivor - grateful for this time I believe in the power of collaboration to solve problems
Consumer Health Data Aggregator Challenge, Phase 2 First Place Winner Consumer Health Data Aggregator Challenge, Phase 2
Why did we build MyLinks? Why did we enter the contest? As our beautiful planet spins through space, events are happening around us.
The story all starts with the invention of electronic health records Doctors need data to better care for patients But they do NOT want to manually enter all that data
We built PatientLink to meet the doctors needs Patients send their data into EHRs as structured data Doctors had data they needed so they could take better care of their patients
Then I became a caregiver for I needed all her records my mom with Alzheimer's I needed all her records So I could take better care of her
Then I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and needed copies of all my records It was NOT an easy task
I decided it was time to build something for patients to gather their data from EHRs As our beautiful planet spins through space, events are happening around us.
Linking Us Together in Three Areas with all our care providers (and data) with researchers and with each other It also links us with 3 important groups: With all our care providers (and our data) With researchers And with each other
We had been watching FHIR from a distance It was hard to believe that EHRs vendors would agree to use a common API structure
We heard about the ONC contest and decide to jump in! As our beautiful planet spins through space, events are happening around us.
We wanted to prove that one API could be used to gather data from multiple EHRs
The ONC challenge was the perfect way to encourage innovation using FHIR
Future Release - Forum Connecting with others who understand what we are going through is very important in our journey. Users can connect together via forums
Public or Private Conversations They can also learn more about other users and connect directly with them in a public or private conversation.
Vital to FHIR's Continued Success FHIR endpoint directory (A single consolidated list for FHIR apps to locate production endpoints) Knowledge-based verification to allow patients to gather their data from EHRs (instead of portal credentials) NIST section 5.3.2 outlines the requirements for knowledge-based verification HHS: “form could ask for basic information about the individual that would enable the covered entity to verify that the person requesting access is the subject of the information requested or is the individual’s personal representative“
Debi@MyLinks.com 405-446-4799 Debi Willis MyLinks.com MyPatientLink.com