Entelec 2006 presentation Mass Balance Leak Detect, Can it Work for You? Mass Balance Leak Detect, Can it Work for You? Richard D. Newell Presidentwww.auspex-inc.com Bill Greenwood Presidentwww.enviropipe.com
Introduction ä Why a leak detection system ä How it works ä What is needed ä How to use it ä Comments
Why do you need one? ä Detect leaks ä Improve operation and performance ä Better public image ä Legal requirements ä Minimize litigation ä Reduced financial and environmental impact
How it works ä Differences from the transient model ä Delta change more important ä Forgiving of instrumentation calibration
What is needed to use one? ä Data requirements ä Frequency of data ä Instrumentation requirements ä Meters ä Pressures
How to use it ä Configuration ä Operation ä Maintenance
Configuration ä Pipeline data ä Station data ä Inlets/Outlets ä Product data
Configuration / Pipeline Data ä Physical information ä Length ä Total BBLS ä Operation limits
Configuration / Station Data ä Location ä Pipe parameters ä Pumps, valves ä Meters ä Instrumentation
Configuration / Product Data ä Operational data ä Specific gravity ä Temperature ä Batch size
Operation ä Easy to use and access ä Enhanced operation data ä Leak determination and location ä Accurate batch tracking ä Management access
Operation / Ease of Use ä Operator access ä System overview
Operation / Operational Data ä pipeline rates ä interface arrivals ä pig tracking ä hydraulic gradient ä reports
Operation / Leak Determination ä Minimize false alarms ä Multiple methods ä Cross check data ä Milepost estimate
Operation / Batch Tracking ä Interface arrivals ä Product location
Operation / Management Access ä Access to real-time data ä Password protected
Maintenance ä Tuning ä Training ä Configuration
Maintenance / Tuning ä Valid limits ? ä Review trends ä Review logs
Maintenance / Training ä Leak training ä Simulator ä Field test
Maintenance / Configuration ä Update pipeline information ä Stations, block valves, etc. ä Instrumentation ä Easy to update or modify existing system ä Easy to add a new pipeline
Acquiring a System ä Buying ä Protecting your investment ä Features
Buying / System Choices ä Integrated with a SCADA system ä Stand-alone ä Features
Buying choices / Integrated ä Replace everything ä Primary business is not leak detection ä Limited offering
Buying choices / Stand-alone ä You get to choose what is important ä Vendors more knowledgeable ä Support multiple pipeline systems ä SCADA replacements
Buying choices / Features ä User friendly ä Easy to configure and maintain ä Automatic display creation ä Robust performance ä Minimize false alarms ä Transient processing ä Rapid return to normal ä Maintainable by user
Protecting your Investment ä Service contract ä Source code
Protecting / Service Contract ä Technical backup ä Updates ä Telephone support ä Reduced rates
Protecting / Source Code ä Why do you need it? ä Poor service ä Vendor disappears ä Get the real source ä Verify it builds ä Why escrow doesnt work
Questions to Consider ä Good fit for your pipeline(s)? ä Can you add operators or pipeline data? ä Can you support system if vendor can't? ä Can the system work with a new SCADA? ä Too good to be true systems
Conclusion ä Does not have to be complicated, hard to maintain or use ä Can reduce exposure from a leak ä Enhances performance and safety
For additional information: William M. Greenwood, President EnviroPipe Applications Inc. P.O. Box 641 Lake Jackson, TX Phone: Fax: Rich Newell, President Auspex, Inc Gulf Freeway, Suite G1 Houston, TX Phone: