ANNO DOMINI In the year of our Lord A.D ANNO DOMINI In the year of our Lord
ANTE MERIDIAN Before the meridian (morning) a.m ANTE MERIDIAN Before the meridian (morning)
c. CIRCA Around (usually used for dates where the exact year is uncertain)
e.g. EXEMPLI GRATIA The supplied example For example used to provide examples
Etc. ET CETERA And others Usually used in a list where the writer does not want to list every option
Ibid. IBIDEM The same place Used in a footnote to refer to the work mentioned in the immediately preceding footnote.
NOTA BENE Note well Observe carefully N.B. NOTA BENE Note well Observe carefully
ID EST It is That is to say, namely i.e. ID EST It is That is to say, namely
Non seq. NON SEQUITUR It does not follow Used when a statement does not logically follow the preceding statement
p.m. POST MERIDIAN After (past) the prime meridian P.m. indicates afternoon and evening
PRO TEMPORE For the time being temporary
P.S. POST SCRIPTUM After the writing An addendum to a piece of writing, normally an epistle
VIDELICET It is allowed to see That is to say, namely viz VIDELICET It is allowed to see That is to say, namely