What Strategies Work For You? THINK - PAIR - SHARE
Important considerations Be open to variety Different strategies for learning styles Different strategies for circumstances Be flexible to teacher requirements
Guided Notes Advantages: Disadvantages: Teacher prep/ time Key facts, concepts, and relationships during the lecture Helps to keep your notes organized You can still add in your own words to help you study Looks different in each class: Math/Science English/Social Studies Art/Music/Technology Library! Disadvantages: Teacher prep/ time
Guided notes Math
Guided Notes ELA
Guided Notes - Research
Being an Active Note Taker Evaluate and highlight Look for connections Place notes in your own words Think about the content Ask clarifying questions Active note taking yields insight… original thinking! Active note taking… better study material… better results
Basic Class Notes Write down key words and phrases Don’t write every single word Leave space to fill in details later Legibility!
Teacher Styles – How Do I Know What’s Important? Repetition of words/ ideas Use of different term for same concept (complexity) Use of visuals Cadence – slow v. fast Volume – more quietly OR loudly! Pauses – dramatic effect Cues: “remember…” “here are…” “now notice that…”
Graphic Organizers Visual note taking Topic list Nonfiction Reference Narrative history Poetry Biography Visual note taking Topic list Mapping big ideas/ Word Web Compare/contrast Cause/ effect
Independently Sticky notes to mark specific words or sections Annotate the reading Outline Explain the information in your own words to someone Utilize other available information
Beyond class notes – Cement your Classroom Knowledge Library resources Textbooks Online Web sites Office hours Your Turn
Important considerations Be open to variety Different strategies for learning styles Different strategies for circumstances Be flexible to teacher requirements