Reaching Forward
Reaching Forward Paul pressed forward, Phil. 3:1-14 Forgetting the past, Lk. 9:62 Looking ahead, Heb. 12:1, 2
Reaching Forward The Christian must always press forward, 2 Pt. 3:18 Backsliding is sin, Heb. 10:36-39 Idleness is sin, Mt. 25:18-30
Reaching Forward forgetting the past pressing on
Reaching Forward forgetting the past Rubbish, Phil. 3:5-8 Power & prominence, Gal. 1:14 In false religion, Acts 8:9-19 On the job, Mt. 9:9 In the community, Acts 17:5-9
Reaching Forward forgetting the past Rubbish, Phil. 3:5-8 Possessions, Mt. 19:20-22 Money Home Car Collectibles
Reaching Forward forgetting the past Sin, Phil. 3:6 Never forget, 1 Tim. 1:13, 15 Cannot cripple, Mt. 26:69-75 God forgives, Mk. 16:16
Reaching Forward forgetting the past Service, Phil. 4:17 Teaching, Acts 17:16-18 Conversions, Acts 17:4 Personal growth, Acts 11:25; 13:9 Refutation of error, Acts 9:22 Sufferings, 2 Cor. 11:23-28
Reaching Forward pressing on Found in Christ, Phil. 3:9; Gal. 3:26, 27 Sanctified, 1 Cor. 1:2 Alive, Rom. 6:11
Reaching Forward pressing on Know Him, Phil. 3:10; 1 Jn. 2:3-5 Think as He thought, Mt. 16:21-23 Serve as He served, Jn. 8:29 Love as He loved, Jn. 15:13
Reaching Forward pressing on It’s Dedication & Devotion Know the power of His resurrection, Phil. 3:10; Rom. 6:4-12 Cleanse your soul Change your life Not an occupation or vocation It’s Dedication & Devotion
Reaching Forward pressing on Know the fellowship of His sufferings, Phil. 3:10; Col. 1:24, 25; Rom. 8:17 Live like Him Suffer like Him
Reaching Forward pressing on Conformed to His death, Phil. 3:10; 2 Cor. 4:9-11 Submissiveness Meekness Unselfishness
Reaching Forward pressing on To attain the resurrection of the dead, Phil. 3:11; Jn. 5:28, 29 Will live again Goal is resurrection of life
Reaching Forward pressing on Press toward the goal for the prize, Phil. 3:12-14 Something to do, 1 Cor. 9:24-27 Not intimidated by what is head Upward call, Col. 3:1, 2
Reaching Forward forgetting the past pressing on
Reaching Forward Paul pressed forward, Phil. 3:1-14 Forgetting the past, Num. 11:4-6 Looking ahead, Heb. 12:1, 2
Reaching Forward The Christian must always press forward, 2 Pt. 3:18 Backsliding is sin, Heb. 10:36-39 Idleness is sin, Mt. 25:18-30