Tips for Rising 6th Graders LMS School Counseling and Advisement Department
Academics ACADEMIC CONCERNS WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. Having more than one teacher 2. More homework 3. Work that is more challenging and requires more effort 4. Expectations of teachers in different subject areas 5. Keeping up with assignments, tests and projects WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. Keep your schedule in a safe place so you can follow it 2. Find a quiet space and time to study/complete homework 3. Schedule homework time at a certain time every day: balance school work with outside activities 4. Write down all of your assignments 5. Check the Schoology page regularly; use the calendar on your iPad
Procedures PROCEDURAL CONCERNS 2. Not knowing the school rules 1. Getting lost, finding classes, finding the bathroom, being late for classes 2. Not knowing the school rules 3. Bringing the right materials to the right class at the right time 4. Having freedom to sit anywhere in the cafeteria WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. Come to Cat Camp (more info. later); come to registration so you can get your schedule before school starts and identify room numbers for your classes 2. Review the school rules after the first day; they are included in the student handbook 3. Use school supply list; organize your binders and book bag; keep your locker neat 4. Make plans with someone before the first day or share your concerns with a teacher or counselor
Social/Emotional 1. Bullies and/or being SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL CONCERNS teased 2. Making new friends 3. Pressure from friends to make poor decisions 4. Cell phone WHAT YOU CAN DO 1. ALWAYS tell an adult if you are being bullied 2. Find friends who share your values and who have common interests 3. Always do what you know is right 4. Do not use your cell phone during school hours; make sure it is turned off. If it makes a sound it will be a distraction in class
WELCOME! We at LMS look forward to meeting you in August and getting to know you! LMS is a wonderful school. Work hard, be kind, have fun and you will do great!