8th Grade Mathematics Syllabus


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8th Grade Mathematics Syllabus Mrs. Irons- Langford Middle School-229 ironsda@rck12.org Course Description This is the first course in a sequence of courses designed to provide students with a rigorous program of study in mathematics. It includes radical, polynomial and rational expressions, basic functions and their graphs, simple equations, fundamentals of proof, properties of polygons, coordinate geometry, sample statistics, and curve fitting. Honors Algebra 1 students will receive high school credit upon successful completion of this course. The Algebra 1A Support course combines 8th Grade Mathematics with some components of Algebra I that represents a discrete study of algebra with correlated statistics applications. Included in this course is a built in support program to ensure student learning and to close deficiency gaps between previously taught courses. The first 10 – 20 minutes are dedicated to the support component of the course. Grading Academic Dishonesty Grades in this class are determined on your performance in four different categories. Each category is weighted, so it is important to do your very best in each. Cheating (on tests, assignments, essays, etc.) will result in a zero upon first the offense. Further offenses may result in disciplinary action. Late Work Students will receive 70% of points earned for late work submitted within the first three days of the initial due date. Any assignments submitted after the third day will receive 25% credit for late work turned in within the grading term. I will not accept late work from a previous grading term. Tardy Policy Students who are tardy MUST obtain a tardy pass from the office. If the tardy is because of an appointment, please present the excuse on official letter head to excuse the tardy. Student Absence I follow a standard numerical grading. The computer will automatically round up semester grades that are within .05 points of the higher grade. If you fail to perform to the best of your ability and fail my class, you must re-take this course during summer school in order to meet promotion requirements.  All grades will be posted online in Infinite Campus weekly. Want to know how your child is doing in my class? Check Infinite Campus. A 90-100% B 80-89% C 70-79% D 60-69% F 59% and below If your son or daughter is absent from school you must (1) write a parent note or (2) submit a doctors note to the homeroom teacher upon the students return. Parents only get 5 parent notes for the entire school year. Attendance Outside Practice It is extremely important that students attend class. If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get the missing classwork and make-up the assignments. Students can and should check our Schoology page for those assignments, complete them and be prepared to submit them upon their return to school. Makeup quizzes and tests will be given during tutoring in the mornings at 8 am. Parents must inform me in advance of student attendance in tutoring. All students in my classes are expected to practice their math skills outside of class. It is not possible to achieve mastery of the standards in the hour students are in class. I-Ready, Khan Academy, and Desmos are great resources for practice at home.

NO, you can not use the code from last year. 8th Grade Mathematics Mrs. Irons- Langford Middle School- Room Number 229 ironsda@rck12.org Tutoring Required Materials Tutoring will be held every morning at 8AM by appointment only. Students may make up any missing work or retake any quiz or tests during this time. My expectation is that all students will do their best to complete and submit all work on time. I also expect all students to adequately prepare for all quizzes and tests. However, the end goal is for ALL students to master the standards. To that end, I expect all students to do what is necessary to remain successful in this class. A dedicated Math folder/binder Loose-leaf paper (LOTS) Pencils (PLENTY) No pens!! Highlighter Colored pencils Earbuds-MANDATORY Glue Ruler 2 Composition notebooks Extra Credit If the opportunity for extra credit is given it will only be given for the entire class. At no time will individual students ever be afforded the opportunity to do “extra credit”. Expectations Be respectful. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Be responsible. Take ownership of your mistakes as well as your successes. Be ready to learn. View your time here as an investment, not a sentence. 4. No food or drinks (other than water) in class. Parent/Teacher Conferences ALL conferences, IEPs and 504s must be scheduled through the Guidance department. Call 706-737-7301. Classroom Visits Parents that are on the students information sheet may visit the classroom for observations ONLY. This is not an impromptu conference time. Remind 101 Students: Text @22b3hh to 81010 to join this year’s remind. You may text me with any questions, comments or concerns. Parents: I will add you to a separate parent Remind! Technology All cell phones should be turned off and stored away in your belongings. Students are not allowed to use personal electronics (cell phones, iPods, etc.) in class unless directed to do so by the teacher for instructional purposes only. Violations will result in confiscation of student’s cell phone. Schoology All students MUST join Schoology. This is the site that will house all of our daily assignments. Schoology Class Code: Honors Algebra 1: ZT8ST-8R9KF4 Algebra 1A Support: 8FNFH-JGVWD NO, you can not use the code from last year. Medications I-Ready If your child is to take any medications during the school day he or she must go to the nurse to do so. Proper documentation must be completed with the original bottle that the medication was purchased in or prescribed in. Forms can be picked up from the nurse. Students will need to complete a minimum of 15 minutes of math lessons on I-ready daily: 7 days a week!!

8th Grade Mathematics Checklist Mrs. Irons- Langford Middle School- 229 ironsda@rck12.org As you read over the syllabus please initial on the check list, complete and sign where needed and cut this bottom portion of the page and return to Mrs. Irons tomorrow. Checklist __________ 1. My child has joined the class Schoology page. Sign up using your first and last name. No nick names will be given credit. __________ 2. We have reviewed the academic dishonesty and late work policies. __________ 3. I have an Infinite Campus account AND I understand that this is where I go to view my child’s grades. __________ 4. I understand that if my child is absent from school that I must submit an excuse upon his/her return. __________ 5. I understand that if my child is absent he/she is responsible for all missed work. __________ 6. I understand that this course must be passed in order to be promoted to the 9th grade. __________ 7. I further understand that my child must also pass the GA Milestones Assessment to be promoted. __________ 8. I understand that I-Ready is a necessity and my child MUST do it in order to be successful. __________ 9. I understand that if I need to set up a conference I must call the guidance department to do so. Teachers DO NOT set up conferences. __________ 10. I understand that I am welcomed to visit the class at any time but this visit IS NOT a parent conference. __________ 11. I have reviewed the class rules and expectations. __________ 12. I have reviewed the rules and expectations of tutoring and understand that my child may attend by appointment only. __________ 12. I understand that extra credit will only be given to the entire class __________ 13. I have reviewed the technology policy and agree to the terms. Signatures Student’s Name: ____________________________________________ ( Please Print) Period: (circle one) 3 4 5 6 Parent/Guardians Name: ________________________________________________________ (Please Print) ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature(s) Phone Number: ________________________________ Email: ____________________________________________________________________