The Presidency of John F. Kennedy
Election of 1960 When? 1960 Who won? John F. Kennedy defeats Richard Nixon in presidential election Why did he win? JFK’s charisma displayed on televised debates gained support from the American people Impact on future elections: Presidential Elections determined by television/image
Alliance for Progress When? 1961 What is it? Program created to improve US’s relationship with Latin America Why was this created? Latin America grew resentful of the US’s power. To limit Communism in Latin America Did it work? It was a failure. 13 governments had been replaced by military rule
Bay of Pigs When? April 17, 1961 What happened? Failed invasion of Cuba by Cuban refugees organized by CIA Why did they invade Cuba? Cuba and Castro were huge Communist threat to the US. Did it work? Huge failure. Made Castro stronger. Invasion was poorly managed