Military Doctrine Development


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Presentation transcript:

Military Doctrine Development Colonel Bob Lowth Assistant Director Joint Doctrine

Military Doctrine Development What it is and why we have it What it does and for whom How we do it What we have learned

What doctrine is Concise Oxford English Dictionary: …a set of beliefs or principles held and taught by a Church, political party or other group. L. doctrina ‘teaching, learning’ Historically, the Church and political parties have arguably attracted the tag ‘dogma’. Defence is one of the ‘other groups’ and still tarred by the same brush when the uninformed claim that military doctrine is dogma. The most point of this definition is the emphasis on the Latin root, which emphasises teaching and learning. This is exactly what we use it for, hence the military definition...

What doctrine is Fundamental principles by which military forces guide their actions in support of objectives. It is authoritative, but requires judgement in application. The added emphasis on ‘guide’ and ‘judgement’ softens the perception of dogma.

Policy, Concepts, Capabilities and Doctrine Force Development Future Strategic Context Concepts Capability Requirements Analysis Assessment & Validation Inform Guidance & Direction Current Defence Objectives (Ends) Capabilities (Means) Doctrine (Ways) Application Employment Inform Assimilation & Adoption Selection & Acquisition Thresholds of: political & military utility, feasibility, affordability, legality etc Defence Policy (Strategic Guidance) 18/02/2019 Delivery of Defence

What it does Level Scope Effect Education High-level (Strategic) Guidance Catalyst for initiative High-level (Strategic) what to think about philosophy & how to think principles, framework Theatre-level (Operational) prescribe what to do practice & how to do it procedures The added emphasis on ‘guide’ and ‘judgement’ softens the perception of dogma. Doctrine is anything but… Principal users are our Joint Staff College and PJHQ. Most people claim never to have read doctrine, ignoring (or being ignorant of the fact) that most of what they have been taught in their military careers has been underpinned by military doctrine. Conformity? Low-level (Tactical)

Doctrine for whom? Strategic Defence Academy Operational Tactical UK Ministry of Defence Strategic Permanent Joint Headquarters Operational Joint Task Force Headquarters Who for Predominantly PJHQ and JTFHQs Joint Staff course – main source of staff training in UK (small has a quality all of its own) Components Tactical

Doctrine triumvirate Teachers Writers Practitioners Principal users are our Joint Staff College and PJHQ. Most people claim never to have read doctrine, ignoring (or being ignorant of the fact) that most of what they have been taught in their military careers has been underpinned by military doctrine. Practitioners

Direction & management Joint Doctrine and Concepts Board (Strategic Guidance) Joint Doctrine Steering Committee (Oversight and Direction) Joint Doctrine Working Committee (Detailed Execution)

British Defence Doctrine How it works British Defence Doctrine JDP 01 Joint Operations JDP 03 Security JDP 02 Operations in the UK JDP 1-00 Personnel JDP 2-00 Intelligence JDP 3-00 Execution JDP 4-00 Logistics JDP 5-00 Planning JDP 6-00 Comms Some examples. BDD crucial; the capstone document that underpins all others. Currently with the JDCB Introduces new thinking, e.g. the CA (more to follow)

Our lessons Relationships - with other direction & guidance Doctrine - answers to problems Role - education & training Dynamic development - process & product Interoperability? Format Process & resourcing

Concise Oxford English Dictionary: …a set of beliefs or principles held and taught by a Church, political party or other group. L. doctrina ‘teaching, learning’ Historically, the Church and political parties have arguably attracted the tag ‘dogma’. Defence is one of the ‘other groups’ and still tarred by the same brush when the uninformed claim that military doctrine is dogma. The most point of this definition is the emphasis on the Latin root, which emphasises teaching and learning. This is exactly what we use it for, hence the military definition...

“The British write the best manuals in the World. Thank God they don’t read them!” (Field Marshal Rommel) “Doctrine is not what is taught, or what is published, but is what is believed.” (Professor Richard Holmes)

Colonel Bob Lowth Firstly it is a more comprehensive view of the global environment. Colonel Bob Lowth

Firstly it is a more comprehensive view of the global environment.