The first step in responding to an emergency is: Providing First Aid The first step in responding to an emergency is:
The first step in responding to an emergency is: Recognizing it. Providing First Aid The first step in responding to an emergency is: Recognizing it.
The “three Cs” of emergency care: Providing First Aid The “three Cs” of emergency care:
Providing First Aid The “three Cs” of emergency care: Check: check the condition of the victim and assess the situation. Only move the victim if he or she is in direct physical danger or if you must move the victim in order to provide lifesaving care.
Providing First Aid The “three Cs” of emergency care: Check: check the condition of the victim and assess the situation. Only move the victim if he or she is in direct physical danger or if you must move the victim in order to provide lifesaving care. Call: 911, if it is an emergency situation.
Providing First Aid The “three Cs” of emergency care: Check: check the condition of the victim and assess the situation. Only move the victim if he or she is in direct physical danger or if you must move the victim in order to provide lifesaving care. Call: 911, if it is an emergency situation. Care: Provide whatever care is necessary and that you are able to do.
Universal Precautions: Providing First Aid Universal Precautions:
Providing First Aid Universal Precautions: Wear sterile gloves. Wash hands immediately after providing first aid. Use a mouthpiece, if one is available, when providing rescue breathing (see Lesson 2).
What 2 factors do the steps for treating bleeding depend on? Providing First Aid What 2 factors do the steps for treating bleeding depend on?
Providing First Aid What 2 factors do the steps for treating bleeding depend on? The type of injury How severe the injury is
Steps for controlling bleeding: Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding:
Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding: Raise the wounded body part above the level of the heart.
Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding: Raise the wounded body part above the level of the heart. Cover the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth.
Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding: Raise the wounded body part above the level of the heart. Cover the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Apply steady pressure to the wound for five minutes or until help arrives.
Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding: Raise the wounded body part above the level of the heart. Cover the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Apply steady pressure to the wound for five minutes or until help arrives. If blood soaks through the gauze, add another gauze pad on top of the first and continue to apply pressure.
Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding: Raise the wounded body part above the level of the heart. Cover the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Apply steady pressure to the wound for five minutes or until help arrives. If blood soaks through the gauze, add another gauze pad on top of the first and continue to apply pressure. Once the bleeding slows or stops, secure the pad firmly in place.
Providing First Aid Steps for controlling bleeding: Raise the wounded body part above the level of the heart. Cover the wound with sterile gauze or a clean cloth. Apply steady pressure to the wound for five minutes or until help arrives. If blood soaks through the gauze, add another gauze pad on top of the first and continue to apply pressure. Once the bleeding slows or stops, secure the pad firmly in place. If you can’t stop the bleeding after five minutes, call for help.
Warning signs of internal bleeding: Providing First Aid Warning signs of internal bleeding:
Providing First Aid Warning signs of internal bleeding: Bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth, or ears.
What should you do if you suspect someone is bleeding internally? Providing First Aid What should you do if you suspect someone is bleeding internally?
Providing First Aid What should you do if you suspect someone is bleeding internally? Call 911.
Providing First Aid How can you tell the difference between first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree burns? See “Lesson Resources” in Chapter 27, Lesson 1.
Providing First Aid 4 steps for treating first-degree and small second-degree burns: Cool the burned area by holding it under cold, running water for at least five minutes. If this isn’t possible, immerse the burned area in cool water or wrap it in cold, wet cloths. Do not use ice.
Providing First Aid 4 steps for treating first-degree and small second-degree burns: Cool the burned area by holding it under cold, running water for at least five minutes. If this isn’t possible, immerse the burned area in cool water or wrap it in cold, wet cloths. Do not use ice. Cover the burn loosely with a sterile gauze bandage.
Providing First Aid 4 steps for treating first-degree and small second-degree burns: Cool the burned area by holding it under cold, running water for at least five minutes. If this isn’t possible, immerse the burned area in cool water or wrap it in cold, wet cloths. Do not use ice. Cover the burn loosely with a sterile gauze bandage. The victim may take an over-the-counter pain reliever (if not allergic).
Providing First Aid 4 steps for treating first-degree and small second-degree burns: Cool the burned area by holding it under cold, running water for at least five minutes. If this isn’t possible, immerse the burned area in cool water or wrap it in cold, wet cloths. Do not use ice. Cover the burn loosely with a sterile gauze bandage. The victim may take an over-the-counter pain reliever (if not allergic). Minor burns usually heal without further treatment. If signs of infection develop (increased pain, redness, fever, swelling, or oozing), see a doctor.
Providing First Aid What should you do if you suspect someone has suffered a larger second-degree burn or a third-degree burn?
Providing First Aid What should you do if you suspect someone has suffered a larger second-degree burn or a third-degree burn? Call 911 and provide first aid until help arrives. Cover the burned area with a clean, moist cloth. Be prepared to give first aid for shock or loss of circulation (see Lesson 2).
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking The Chain of Survival:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking The Chain of Survival: Call 911 (emergency services). Provide CPR. Use a defibrillator, if available. Advanced care.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Should I perform CPR?
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Should I perform CPR? Is the victim: Unconscious? Not breathing?
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Should I perform CPR? Is the victim: Unconscious? ü Not breathing? ü If you answered yes to both, you should perform CPR on this unresponsive victim.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What two forms of CPR are recommended for use?
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What two forms of CPR are recommended for use? Conventional CPR “Hands-Only” CPR
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Hands-Only™ CPR for Adults:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Hands-Only™ CPR for Adults: Tap the victim on the shoulder while shouting, “Are you okay?” Look at the victim's chest to determine if he or she is breathing. Begin “Hands-Only” CPR. Aim to complete 100 chest compressions each minute, continuing until the victim responds or until paramedics arrive.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Basic CPR Cycle:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Basic CPR Cycle: 30 chest compressions plus 2 rescue breaths.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Ways in which providing CPR to infants and young children differs from providing CPR to an adult:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Ways in which providing CPR to infants and young children differs from providing CPR to an adult: When performing CPR on a newborn, open the airway and give two breaths before beginning chest compressions. When performing chest compressions on an infant, use three fingers, positioned on the baby’s sternum at the center of the chest. Press the sternum down about one-third to one-half the depth of the baby’s chest. To perform chest compressions on a child between one and eight years old, you can either use the heel of one hand or use both hands as in adult CPR. Position your hands about two finger widths above the end of the sternum and press the sternum down about one-third to one-half the depth of the child’s chest. When performing rescue breathing on a baby, place your mouth over the baby’s nose and mouth at the same time - not the mouth only, as for an adult. Do not use a breathing mask designed for adult CPR when performing CPR on an infant.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What is the universal sign for choking?
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What is the universal sign for choking? Clutching of the throat.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking First aid care for an adult victim who is choking:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking First aid care for an adult victim who is choking: Abdominal thrusts (“Heimlich Maneuver”)
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking First aid care for an infant victim who is choking:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking First aid care for an infant victim who is choking: Back blows and chest thrusts.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What should you do if a choking victim is unconscious?
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What should you do if a choking victim is unconscious? Lower the person to the floor and try to clear the airway. Reach into the mouth and sweep the object out with one finger. Be careful not to push the obstruction deeper into the throat. If the obstruction cannot be dislodged, begin performing CPR.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What should you do if you begin to choke when you’re alone?
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking What should you do if you begin to choke when you’re alone? Perform abdominal thrusts on yourself by covering your fist with the other hand and pushing upward and inward. Another method is to bend over a rigid structure, such as a countertop or the back of a chair. Press against it to thrust your abdomen upward and inward.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Shock: A life-threatening condition in which the heart is not delivering an adequate supply of blood to the body. Symptoms:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking Shock: A life-threatening condition in which the heart is not delivering an adequate supply of blood to the body. Symptoms: Cold, clammy skin (may appeal pale or grayish). Weak, rapid pulse and altered breathing. Dull, staring eyes, which may have dilated pupils. Faintness, weakness, confusion, or loss of consciousness.
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking First aid care for a victim of shock:
CPR and First Aid for Shock and Choking First aid care for a victim of shock: Call 911 Get him or her to lie down and raise his or her legs about 12 inches. Roll him or her into the recovery position try to keep the person calm and comfortable.
Additional Chapter 27 Notes CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) Shake & Shout Call 911 Start the “ABCD’s” Airway (Check the airway) Breathing (Give 2 rescue breaths if victim is not breathing) Circulation (Check for pulse. If no pulse, begin chest compressions) Defibrillation (Use AED if available and/or necessary) Chest Compressions: “2 Hands, 2 Inches” 1 CPR Cycle: 30 compressions + 2 rescue breaths Pace: “Staying Alive” (song)
Lesson 3 & 4 What does the acronym “P.R.I.C.E.” stand for? When is it used? What are the symptoms of a fracture or a dislocation? Why should you always seek professional medical care for fractures and dislocations? Why is the recovery position the safest position for an unconscious person? What is the first step in any case of suspected poisoning? Explain the 30/30 rule for lightning safety. Suppose you hear that a tornado watch has been issued for your area. How should you respond? What are some of the consequences of not having an emergency survival kit?