University Design Contest Presentation Guidelines ASP-DAC 2019 University Design Contest Co-Chairs: Kousuke Miyaji, Akira Tsuchiya
UDC Sessions Short presentation (Session 1A): 10:45-11:30, Jan. 22, Room Saturn Poster presentation: 12:00-13:30, Jan. 22, Room Jupiter Note: You HAVE TO attend both short presentation and poster session. Otherwise your paper will not be registered and not be shown in IEEEXplorer.
UDC Schedule (Jan. 22) 9:00 Opening (Award Ceremony) 9:30 Keynote 10:30 Coffee break 10:45 Room Jupiter available in 9:30-16:00 Short presentation (Saturn) 11:30 Poster preparation 12:00 Poster presentation (Jupiter) 13:30 Regular sessions 15:35 Coffee break Please remove your poster by 4PM. 15:55
Uploading Presentation File (for 3-min. short presentation) All the speakers must upload presentation files via by January 11, 2019 (Please log in by ID/password used for your paper submission.) Available file format is PDF only. Max. number of slides is 5.
ASP-DAC 2019 ARCHIVE Your can make your slides available via the ASP-DAC 2019 ARCHIVE Web after the conference FYI: ASP-DAC 2017 Archive You will be asked during upload: “Do you permit this file to be open on ASP-DAC 2019 ARCHIVE Web site after the conference?” If you agree, please check “Yes” We recommend you to have your slides on the archive, for it will help promote your ideas to a larger audience.
Short Presentation Session 10:45-11:30, at Room Saturn 3 minutes talk for each paper (without Q&A) Session chairs combine all the slides into one PDF file and set up in a laptop for presentation. It is NOT allowed to use your own laptop. It is difficult to update your slide in a few minutes.(*) Please keep your time. When the session chair shows “time up” sign, please finish your talk in a few seconds. (*) If you want to update your slide after uploading, please contact UDC Chairs as early as you can.
Poster Preparation Poster Setup Poster board is 990 mm width x 2,700 mm height. There is no printer at the conference site. Poster Setup Poster room (Jupiter) is available in 9:30-16:00, Jan. 22. Pushpins will be prepared in the poster room. We recommend to put your poster after the short presentation session (11:30-12:00)
Poster Session 12:00-13:30, at Room Jupiter Please stay around your poster and enjoy discussion. Food will be served in the poster session. After poster session, please remove your poster by 16:00, Jan. 22.
Poster Setup and Removal Poster room (Jupiter) is available in 9:30-16:00, Jan. 22. We recommend to put your poster after the short presentation session (11:30-12:00) After poster presentation, please remove your poster by 16:00, Jan. 22.