#TBT Early Egyptian art
Hieroglyphics & Painting Sculpture & Architecture Pottery Jewelry
Characteristics of Ancient Egyptian Art heavily influenced by everyday life, especially religion and life after death Most art was not meant to be seen. not focused on exact replication, just representations all art looked similar to preserve a sense of stability amongst the people The Egyptians strictly upheld the style of frontalism, adhering carefully to stylistic rules the subject's head is always drawn in profile with the full eye shown The upper body is depicted from the front and the legs face in the same direction as the head with one foot in front of the other The person in the picture sits or stands stiff and rigid in a formal posture, but the face is calm and usually slightly tilted toward the sky.
Tomb of Rekhmire on the West Bank at Luxor Registers- Rows in which paintings we done
Hieroglyphics and Painting Besides pyramids and sphinxes, the Egyptians are known for hieroglyphics, or a form of picture writing. Hieroglyphics use small pictures which represent different words, actions, or ideas. Many ancient Egyptian paintings have survived due to Egypt's extremely dry climate. The paintings were often made with the intent of making a pleasant afterlife for the deceased. The themes included journey through the afterworld or protective deities introducing the deceased to the gods of the underworld (such as Osiris). Some tomb paintings show activities that the deceased were involved in when they were alive and wished to carry on doing for eternity. Some hieroglyphs were also painted relief sculptures Wall painting of Nefertari
Egypt West Bank Tombs Hierarchy of Scale
Ancient Egyptian Architecture Scant tree growth prevented the extensive use of wood as a building material. Both sun-dried and kiln-dried bricks were used extensively. Fine sandstone, limestone, and granite were available for obelisks, sculpture, and decorative uses. All dwelling houses, built of timber or of sun-baked bricks, have disappeared Only temples and tombs have survived. Their walls were immensely thick and built using durable materials like stone The belief in existence beyond death (reincarnation) resulted in existing architecture of utmost impressiveness and permanence. Even during periods of foreign rule, Egyptian architecture clung to its native characteristics, adopting almost no elements or influence from other cultures.
Egypt, El Giza, Great Pyramid also known as "Pyramid of Cheops" or "Khufu's Pyramid" 2600-2480 BCE, The base of the pyramid covers about 13 acres. To build the Great Pyramid it took an about 2,300,000 dressed stone blocks (averaging 2.5 tons each) -- more than any other structure ever built. The blocks were moved on log rollers and sledges, and then ramped into place.
overview of the Sphinx
Carved from stone at the site and stands at 65 feet tall. The Sphinx is another example of a Pharaoh (Khafre) demonstrating his power. The massive size and the head of Pharaoh Khafre on the body of a lion was intended to demonstrate the power of the pharaoh. Carved from stone at the site and stands at 65 feet tall. Pharaoh Khafre, c. 2600 B.C. Diorite. 66 inches tall.
Ancient Egyptian Sculpture Sculpture In the Round Statues in the round usually depicted the gods, Pharaohs, or civic officials, and were composed with special reference to the maintenance of straight lines Of the materials used by the Egyptian, stone was the most plentiful and permanent Sculpture was often painted in vivid hues as well Cubic and frontal- echoes in its form the shape of the stone cube or block from which it was fashioned, The front of almost every statue is the most important part and the figure sits or stands facing strictly to the front Bust of Nefertiti
Seated Scribe Sebek em hat Seated Man
The Large Sphinx Found at Tanis Pink granite
Relief Sculpture Virtually all the wall-sculptures of the Ancient Egyptian Empire are in the form of bas-relief (low-relief) Relief-composition merely meant arranging the figures in horizontal lines so as to record an event or represent an action. The principal figures were distinguished from others by their size - gods were shown larger than men, kings larger than their followers, and the dead larger than the living.