Judy Faraday, John Lewis Partnership Alix Green, University of Essex Developing a model for academic-archivist co-designed projects in business Judy Faraday, John Lewis Partnership Alix Green, University of Essex
Co-designing research All research starts with a problem or puzzle, something we want to unravel or understand Why not a ‘live’ business issue? Co-design is a conversation: both parties shape the agenda Reimagining roles Archivist from gatekeeper to mobiliser of knowledge Historian from user to expert adviser
Role reversal Archivists have traditionally responded to enquiries from academics Working for the business has been a separate activity Questions for consideration: Do we know what is on the business agenda and should we be involved? Are we proactive in helping our businesses with current issues? Can we deliver new services, increase our profile and deliver research projects without the use of external consultants?
The business agenda – why would we? Delivering for the mouth that feeds us Understanding what the business needs for future growth and success Linking academic knowledge with business issues Building long term relationships Cutting costs whilst delivering more Illustrating our value as more than just a repository
SWOT S – Building long term mutually advantageous relationships W - The need to be thorough and rigorous may lead to long term research projects which cannot be completed in the quick turnaround expected in business O - A new and underdeveloped area with huge potential for both parties T – A lack of suitable projects/results may lead to under delivery which could reflect badly on the archive
The academic agenda – why would they? The need to demonstrate impact Engaging outside the academic sphere: ‘public purpose’ The extended network of academics to whom this work can be relevant Access to unexplored materials Developing new approaches to scholarship Forming relationships with key stakeholders and external networks outside academia
Creating the pilot Long term relationships lead to an understanding of mutually valuable research Identifying a way forward Buy in from both institutions Setting the agenda Outcomes and results
Pay for performance What can we learn from how JLP navigated previous periods of adversity? How has it managed questions of equity in pay? How has JLP evolved its position on pay for performance? How has it sought to balance individual and collective reward? Who needs to know? Communicating research Feedback loops
Why do it? Mutual benefit, value for money [vs contracting consultants] Demonstrates value of the archive, the archivist and the historian as expert adviser Not just history, think economics, marketing, IT departments… Long-term investment, strategic issues, value builds over time, accumulation of understanding & trust
Interested? Please get involved! Responses to the 3 short questions on the conference feedback form greatly appreciated Free workshop next year Phase 2: collaboration with other business archives alix.green@essex.ac.uk judy.faraday@johnlewis.co.uk