EUFAR – future developments in access to airborne research infrastructure in Europe 9 April 2018 Phil Brown, Met Office, UK Elisabeth Gerard, Meteo-France, France
History and previous activities Capabilities EUFAR AISBL The future
EUFAR history 2000-2004 2004-2008 2008-2013 2014-2018 EUFAR EUFAR2 FP5 Infrastructure Cooperation Network FP6 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative FP7 Integrated Infrastructure Initiative €640k €5M €8M €6M 9 partners 22 partners 34 partners 24 partners 2000 2018 2007-2011 COPAL FP7 Preparatory Phase Study €1M 13 partners Early 2018 Constitution of the EUFAR AISBL
EUFAR activities Transnational Access Networking Activities 30 projects (2014-18) with about 10 flight-hours each fully- funded with additional T&S – new users Networking Activities Database, data standards, website and communications, Expert WGs, Education and Training, Joint Research Activities TGOE – standards for trace-gas calibration (hardware, protocols) HYLIGHT – software tools to combine hyperspectral imagery and airborne laser-scanning (ALS)
EUFAR capabilities Atmospheric in-situ observations Atmospheric composition – trace gases and aerosols Cloud and precipitation microphysics Radiative transfer (visible to sub- millimetre) Atmospheric dynamics and thermodynamics Airborne imaging of the terrestrial surface Hyperspectral imaging (Vis, Near- IR, Thermal-IR) Lidar terrain-scanning Synthetic aperture radar Soil / Vegetation / Water / Minerals
DACCIWA - 2016 Dynamics-aerosol- chemistry-cloud interactions in West Africa (DACCIWA) International project supported by Framework Program 7 to: investigate the influence of anthropogenic and natural emissions on the atmospheric composition over West Africa and assess impact on human health, the ecosystem, and agricultural productivity. EUFAR provided support to 3 Transnational Access projects associated with DACCIWA airborne campaigns
APSOWA – Transnational Access Atmospheric Pollution from Shipping and Oil and gas platforms of West Africa (APSOWA) Airborne measurements support the development of atmospheric models used to study source emissions and regional emission inventories Acknowledgement: Valery Catoire, CNRS
EUFAR website Single portal to: Information Documentation Data Application forms News / articles Events / registration
EUFAR data
EUFAR AISBL (international non-profit association) Formed in Jan 2018 by core group of member organisations DLR, Meteo-France / CNRS / ONERA, Met Office, VITO, Czech-Globe, Univ of Warsaw, Free Univ of Berlin, Univ of Chieti/Pescara, INCAS Objectives Assure the continuity of EUFAR Coordinate the distributed existing infrastructures Consolidate the network of airborne research infrastructures Forum for discussion of future platform requirements Implement and manage a scheme of Open Access Pursue European research infrastructure integration Broaden the airborne research community to access additional financial resources Strategy support core activities of the network and maintenance of EUFAR website Apply for EU funding to support the mobility of personnel in the framework of Open Access (ERI or MSCA) cover activities external to the self-financing perimeter of the structure (TA, ET, JRAs, specific core developments)
EUFAR Open Access Aircraft are an expensive resource Expansion of the user community will utilize existing facilities more efficiently EUFAR facilities are exploratory in nature Deployed to defined location/time to study phenomena and processes Open Access should provide users with the opportunity to participate in the planning and prioritization of airborne observing campaigns in addition to data access
If your research can exploit airborne measurements………. Further Transnational Access support awaits outcome of proposal recently submitted to Horizon2020 EUFAR website remains open to Expressions of Interest Please visit and follow the links!
Contact details Philip R.A. Brown, Met Office, UK, +44 1392 886740 Elisabeth Gerard, Meteo-France, France, +33 561 07 98 38