TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS Fire Detection and Fire Fighting in ALICE Smoke detection in UX cavern and Counting Rooms in PX Alarms sent to CSAM (+ DCS for info) SNIFFER system in the experimental apparatus Alarms sent to CSAM + DCS for info and action Automatic fire fighting in the ITS volume by means of N 2 flush Automatic fire fighting in the racks under the Muon-arm by means of CO 2 flush
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS The SNIFFER Sampling Network Sniffer system to detect – leak of flammable gas – emission of smoke (fire) – lack of oxygen …in the experimental apparatus ! Sniffer racks equipped with pumps and detectors Alarms sent to CSAM + DCS
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS SNIFFER network in L3 Flam.Gas + Smoke Sniffer racks B 18 and B 19 L3 chicane to Muon-arm 12 br. to Back-Fr. 8 br. to HMPID 12 br. to Mini Fr. 2 br. to EMC rail 9 br. to Sp-Fr 2 br. to ITS
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS SNIFFER network in L3 Oxygen-Deficiency Hazard Sniffer racks B 18 and B 19 L3 chicane to Muon-arm 2 branches to lower volume 2 branches to upper volume 2 branches to mid volume
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS SNIFFER network in Muon arm Flam.Gas + Smoke Sniffer racks B 18 and B 19 L3 chicane 2 branches in FASS 4 branches below Trig for gas 4 branches above st. 4, 5 for smoke 4 branches above Trig for smoke 2 branches for St. 3 (in dipole)
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS SNIFFER network in Muon arm Oxygen-Deficiency Hazard Sniffer racks B 18 and B 19 L3 chicane 2 branches in dipole 2 branches in FASS 2 lines point
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS SNIFFER Sampling Network Recapitulation in L3 magnetin Muon armTotal Hazardlinespointslinespointslinespoints Flam. Gas + Smoke Lack of Oxygen Total
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS Tuyaux = NBR Silverpress Diamètres :lignes = 7.5/13.5 mm branches principales = 6/10 branches finales = 4/7 Dans une ligne, toutes les branches doivent avoir la même longueur (+/- 10%) Connecteurs disponibles – Tés et croix SNIFFER Sampling Network Données Techniques
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS Fire fighting in ITS volume by N 2 flush 60 m3 of Ar/N2 mixture at 22.5 bar 8 m3 of N2 at 200 bar 52/54 mm steel pipes to UX-25 via PX-24 Main Valve With padlock 1 st -flush Valve 2 nd -flush Valve Ventil. Unit for ITS Filling from truck to ITS in L3-Magnet
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS Fire fighting in racks, area C by CO 2 flush Area C, below the μ platform is difficult to access. Automatic fire fighting installation with CO 2, Triggered from DCS-DSS. Local alarm (siren) needed before triggering. 1 bottle/rack (L = 80 cm, Ø = 15 cm) Best offer = 1152 CHF/rack (instead of 900) + maintenance for 5y (232 CHF/rack)
TB-2006 Feb.23Marc Tavlet / Alice GLIMOS Summaries of fire detection and fire fighting in ALICE General smoke detection by TS-CSE, OK SNIFFER by TS-CSE EDMS doc for ALICE in preparation Installation by summer 2006 N2 flush in ITS by ALICE + TS-CV EDMS doc in preparation CO2 flush in C-racks by PH-CMM Installation by end 2006