TCP Monitor and Auto Tuner
Need Analysis Enable monitoring of TCP Connections Enable maximum bandwidth utilization No such utility available in MONALISA at present
The TCP Monitoring & Auto-Tuning Module Provides users with detailed information about all TCP connections established Can be easily integrated into MONALISA
Module Architecture Divided into three distributed parts Web100 Server ML Server Client (End user GUI)
Web100 Server Runs on a web100 enabled machine Collects connection information from kernel Creates an info object against each connection Defines remote methods for object retrieval
Web100 Server Web100 kernel Info Gatherer Remote Interface Request Info Objects Request Objects (To ML Server)
ML Server Gets latest objects from web100 server Stores the objects in a repository History is maintained within a database Defines remote methods for object retrieval
ML Server Real-Time Repository Fetch Thread Request Objects (To Web100 Server) Database Remote Interface (To Client) Request Objects Request
Client Gets objects from repository Shows all the currently established connections Provides detailed graphical information for a particular session on user demand
Client Session Specific GUI General Connections GUI A single concerned object ML Repository All latest objects
Complete Module ML ServerWeb100 Server Clients LAN WAN
In Progress Database Integration Using Java Web Start for client Converting to JINI Integration with MONALISA
Demo Click image to view Demo