afterward foreknowledge foresight aftertaste forearm postscript Day 1: Sort the following words any way you choose: preoccupied afterward foreknowledge foresight predetermine aftertaste postdate prejudge forearm postscript postseason afternoon
What rule did you use to sort your words? Day 1: What rule did you use to sort your words? What do all the words have in common?
Writing Sort In your word study notebook, complete a writing sort. Day 2: Writing Sort In your word study notebook, complete a writing sort. Write the following headers on the page: fore pre post after Write the words that go under each rule. preoccupied, afterward, foreknowledge, foresight, predetermine, aftertaste, postdate, prejudge, forearm, postscript, afternoon, postseason
Day 3 Look through books in the classroom. In your word study notebooks, write down all the words you can find that follow the patterns we are working on this week.
Testing Day! Day 4 You will take your test on spellingcity.com. After taking the test, snap a screenshot of your results by pressing the control button and the switch window button. Move the picture into the weekly word study file so your teacher can see it.