2015 CESC Writing Competition!
What is it? The annual CESC Writing Competition is back for 2015! http://www.mwf.com.au/schools/write-across-victoria/ Like previous years, we are running this competition alongside the Melbourne Writer’s Festival, so you can enter twice. In the ‘Write Across Victoria’ competition, you must choose one story starter written by a famous author, and complete the story in under 500 words. You can submit this story online and go in to the running to have your story published and win lots of prizes. Submitting your story online is optional. Get on to this link to find your story starters, and information on how to submit your story: http://mwf.com.au/schools/write-across-victoria/
Tell Me More! Once you have written your story and submitted it online, you can enter your story in to the CESC Writing Competition! If you enter this competition, you may win an excursion with all of the CESC winners to the Melbourne Writer’s Festival in the city! You get to attend various sessions run by REAL authors, who will talk to you about where they get their ideas from and what helps them write such fantastic stories. You may even get to meet some of the authors! It is a fantastic day out and a brilliant opportunity to strengthen your writing skills.
So this sounds awesome…how do I enter? 1. Go to the website, choose your story starter, and write your story. Make sure you EDIT it. If you are stuck, go and see your English teacher who will help you. Your story must not exceed 500 words. 2. Print your story and write your name on the top of the first page. 3. Submit this story to the ‘CESC Writing Competition Submission Box in the Gilmore office by no later than Friday 24th July (end of Week 2, Term 3).
Who can win? Me! ME! MEEE! Miss Finnie and Miss Cornell will collect all submissions at the end of Week 2 and have the stories judged by the end of Week 3. We will choose the top 5 writers from each year level across Years 7-10. If you win, you are automatically invited on the excursion! And guess what- it’s FREE! You will find out the results in Week 4.