Does size matter?
Key findings: Does size matter? RAMetrics data shows that ad size has a big impact on ad performance. Full page ads outperform smaller ads on every measure Full page ads are given more attention – 26% of readers paid close attention compared with 19% for half page ads and 17% for quarter page ads. Larger ads are easier to understand – 46% found full page ads very easy to understand, but only 41% felt the same about half page ads and just 35% for quarter page ad. The larger the ad, the more appealing readers find it – 30% of readers found them personally appealing versus 21% for half page and 19% for quarter page ads. Full page ads are more likely to prompt action – 25% of readers would recommend the company/product, whereas half page ads and quarter page ads both scored 15%. Lumen eye-tracking also demonstrates that people are more likely to see larger ads – full page ads are viewed by 92% of people on average whereas half page ads are viewed by 81% of people. Likewise, readers are spending longer looking at full page ads than half page ads – with average dwell times of 3.3 seconds versus 2.2 seconds respectively. However, the data also shows that creativity is a key contributor to ad performance – A great idea in a small space can easily out-perform a weaker idea in a big space Does size matter? Newspapers have been innovating for years – creative toolkits will show a wide array of exciting formats, from z-shaped ads to scented ink, cascades to translucent paper. But let’s take it back to basics. Does size matter? Is bigger better? We’ve always known, always had a gut-feeling about the answer to this question – but now we have proof. Using the RAMetrics database, we examined the effectiveness of ad sizes in successfully driving recall, attention/recognition, engagement and action measures. Larger ads are certainly noticed more, with 66% of readers recalling full page ads (vs 56% for half page ads and 52% for quarter page ads). Indeed, on almost every metric you will get significantly better results from full page ads compared with their smaller counterparts. Full page ads are given more attention – 26% of readers paid close attention compared with 19% for half page ads and 17% for quarter page ads. They’re easier to understand – 46% found full page ads very easy to understand, but only 41% felt the same about half page ads and just 35% for quarter page ad. They are more appealing – 30% of readers found them personally appealing versus 21% for half page and 19% for quarter page ads. They prompt action – 25% of readers would recommend the company/product, whereas half page ads and quarter page ads both scored 15%. These findings are corroborated by Lumen eye tracking research. Lumen tracks what people are actually looking at when consuming media, how long they spend on pages and dwell time for ads. They have found that full page ads are viewed by 92% of people on average whereas half page ads are viewed by 81% of people. Dwell times are also higher – with average dwell times of 3.3 seconds versus 2.2 seconds respectively. However, the strength of the creative has a major part to play. A great idea in a small space can easily out-perform a weaker idea in a big space. In fact, the highest performing half page ad is recalled by 100% of readers – significantly higher than the average score of for ads that size and even full page executions (ad recall average: 56% and 66% respectively). We can eliminate the advertiser’s category as a predeterminant of creative success, as there’s a mix of industries making up the top and bottom of the lists, for example, looking at full page ads supermarkets take the lead but also the tail. Previous ad testing by Newsworks has shown that the best way to make the most of smaller spaces is to design the ads to fit the space. This sounds pretty simple, but there are many examples where artwork has been “shrunk to fit” so everything is hard to see, or where so much has been crammed in that the ad is confusing or looks like too much hard work. The RAMetrics results give us confirmation on what we’ve always known instinctively – now we have proof. Bigger is indeed better. Size does matter, but the importance of creativity should not be ignored. Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Full page – 100 ads from 27/11/2015 to 31/03/2018, half page – 100 ads from 10/04/2014- 31/03//2018, quarter page – 100 ads from 05/06/2009 – 31/02/2018. Score base: read the newspaper.
Full page vs half page vs quarter page - Ad recall Ad recall: Do you recall seeing the ad? % saying yes Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Full page – 100 ads from 27/11/2015 to 31/03/2018, half page – 100 ads from 10/04/2014- 31/03//2018, quarter page – 100 ads from 05/06/2009 – 31/03/2018. Score base: read the newspaper.
Full page vs half page vs quarter page - ad comparison brand measures attention + recognition engagement action Full Half Quarter Attention: How closely did you read/look at the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Branding: How difficult or easy was it to understand the source/sender of the ad? % scoring above 9 on 10 pt scale Familiarity: How well did you previously know the advertiser? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Like ad: How did you like the ad? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Easy to understand: The ad is easy to understand. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale New Information: The ad contains news or new information. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Positive: The ad makes me feel positive towards the advertiser. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Appeals to me: Ad appeals to you. % Yes Benefit: Have you benefited or will you benefit from something in the ad? % Yes Interesting: The ad is interesting. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Fresh approach: The ad has an original design. % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale Emotional Reaction: Did you react to the advertisement emotionally? % Yes Look for more information: Have you looked for or will you look for more information as a result of seeing the ad? % Yes Visit a website: Have you visited or will you visit the website as a result of the ad? % Yes Visit advertiser: Have you visited or will you visit this advertiser as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Have bought/will buy: Have you bought or will you buy something as a result of seeing this ad? % Yes Recommend: Have you recommended or will you recommend the company / product due to the advertising? % scoring above 7 on 10 pt scale (Added in April 2016) Discuss: Have you been talking about / discussing the company, offer or product as a result of seeing the advertising? % Yes (Added in April 2016) Source: RAMetrics. Countries: England/Scotland. Full page – 100 ads from 27/11/2015 to 31/03/2018, half page – 100 ads from 10/04/2014- 31/03//2018, quarter page – 100 ads from 05/06/2009 – 31/03/2018. Score base: read the newspaper.
Source: Lumen eye tracking Standout and dwell time differs by format in print newsbrands Larger formats work harder at grabbing and keeping attention Full page ads generate 1.5x dwell time of 10x7 ads (seconds) Full page 25x4 17x7 10x7 Source: Lumen eye tracking
Source: Lumen eye tracking Special formats draw attention in print newsbrands Significant uplifts in attention for innovative formats in other contexts (disruptive ads, ‘Battenberg 17x7s’, etc.), which can outperform full page ads Being inline with editorial can lead to greater attention and dwell time Source: Lumen eye tracking