Power BI 101 Alexander Boamah BI Analyst/Power BI Developer – Dallas Independent School District Dallas/Fort Worth PowerBIUG Co-Leader
Alexander Boamah BI Analyst/Power BI Developer at Dallas Independent School District Dallas/Fort Worth PowerBIUG Co-Leader Preferred Email: alkouami2@yahoo.co.uk LinkedIn Group Page: DFW Power BI User Group LinkedIn Personal: Alexander Boamah
Power BI 101 An Introduction to Power BI Getting started with Power BI Installing and Configuring Power BI Getting/Transforming Data and Creating Models/Reports Power Updates – Moving forward
Session Agenda What is Power BI How to signup, download and install Power BI Desktop Get and prepare data for your first model/report What's next with Power BI
What is Power BI? Power BI is a business analytics solution that lets you visualize your data and share insights across your organization, or embed them in your app or website. Connect to hundreds of data sources and bring your data to life with live dashboards and reports Arun Ulag's Gartner Report Analysis/
Power BI Desktop Connect securely to hundreds of data sources —in the cloud and on-premises Transform and mash up data from multiple sources—in just a few clicks Create, design and distribute Bl content - Extend your data models with DAX formulas Choose from more than 100 cutting-edge data visuals—or create your own Dig deep into data to find patterns and discover insights Create mobile reports for on-the-go users Publish securely to the web or an on-premises report server, or embed visuals in your website or app
Demo 1-Signup,Download,Install & Configure Sign Up For Power BI Windows Store
Demo 2- Get Data/Transform
Demo 3-Create Model/Report and Share
What's Next with Power BI
What's Next with Power BI Latest updates - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/desktop- latest-update Power BI Embedded – https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi-embedded/ Join the Power BI Community - https://community.powerbi.com/ Find Your Local PBIUG - https://www.pbiusergroup.com/home Custom Visual Bulk Download - https://datachant.com/2017/09/15/bulk-download-power-bi-custom-visual-sample-files/ PowerBIWorldTour.com
Power BI 101 Q & A? Quick Survey Link PowerBIWorldTour.com
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