13 Colonies MyOn Project Class 708
Slides to help you complete the project Slide 1: Directions part 1 Slide 2: Directions part 2 Slide 3: Sentence Starters for your summary paragraphs. Slides to help you complete the project
Project Directions Part 1 Log onto MyOn School=10x244 New School for Leadership and Journalism Username= Student I.D. # PASSWORD= # 1 AND THE FIRST 2 LETTERS OF YOUR FIRST NAME Click the “13 Colonies MyOn Project.” Read the directions Project Directions Part 1
1. Read all of the books that you have been assigned for this project 2. Take all of the quizzes after each book you read in this project 3. Write down 10 facts in bullet points for each book you read in your notebook or on a Google Doc. 4. Choose 4 books and write 4 1-paragraph summaries. 5. Submit your 4 1- paragraph summaries to engrade turn-ins. Project Directions Part 2 What to do during and after reading the books
Summary Sentence Starters Your paragraphs should look like this The first book I read was ________________ (Title). The author of _________________ was _______________. ______________ was about _________________, ______________ and _________________. What I liked about the book was___________. What I disliked about the book was ______________. I recommend this book to friends because _______________. I do not recommend this book to friends studying the 13 Colonies because ____________________. Summary Sentence Starters Your paragraphs should look like this