Algae Reproduction
Alternation of Generations 1. Gametophyte Haploid (n) Meiosis produces spores that grow mitotically into a gametophyte Sexual reproduction Gametophyte produces gametes which fuse to form a zygote
2. Sporophyte Diploid (2n) Grows mitotically from zygote & uses meiosis to produce spores Asexual reproduction
Meiosis: Process that produces HAPLOID gametes from DIPLOID cells (2n n)
Mitosis: Process by which cell division results in cells with the same number & kind of chromosomes as the parent cell (2n 2n OR n n) Daughter cells are IDENTICAL to parent cell
Advantages of Alternation of Generations: Asexual reproduction allow a single organism to reproduce & colonize habitats quickly Sexual reproduction creates variation within the species which allows for: Survival of in changing habitats Resistance to pests Spores can become dormant which allows for survival in adverse conditions
Assignment: Read pp. 440-442 Worksheets on reproduction (x2)