Film 7 Date: School of Rock 7 Objectives Examine the movie in more detail with questions. Understand what irony is (as it is one of the most misused words in the English language).
Write a response to this cartoon – what do you think – 2-3 sentences.
Notes first – on sheet Irony: A difference between what happens and what is expected to happen. Verbal Irony: saying the opposite of what you mean. ‘The dentist was so fun yesterday’ Irony of Situation: the opposite of what is expected occurs. ‘English teacher speels something wrong’ Dramatic Irony: a character believes something which the audience knows to be wrong. (Sarcasm is mean irony)
Homework: Transfer notes into copy and answer Questions 30-60 min Homework: Transfer notes into copy and answer Questions Who or what is ‘The Legend of the Rent’ song about? Who or what is ‘The School of Rock’ song about? If Dewey were a good teacher, would that be ironic? Base your answer on evidence from the movie. Is the fact that the kids in the school are good at rock and roll ironic?