The Ecosystem Forum - OPSI September 2018


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Presentation transcript:

The Ecosystem Forum - OPSI September 2018 Prime Minister’s Office Finland

Key to a human-centric society “Key” refers to the use of the Ecosystem Forum model as a tool for the Government and ecosystems involved. It helps to explore the interconnections within ecosystems through Solutions Workshops. Human-centric approach is encouraged. It steers the focus on individuals and companies instead of administrative agendas and silos. Ecosystem Forum looks for ethically sustainable solutions to national and European challenges. It brings added value and international visibility to Finland and innovative companies.

Key Stakeholders of the Ecosystem Forum Ministry Department A.I. Assistant and information policy Health data Mobility as a Service (MaaS) + Maritime Policy NGO City Think Tank Smart City Lifelong learning Tech company Start Up Accounting firm Ecosystem actors Secretariat of the Ecosystem Forum Expert Group Ecosystems This might not look too good because it’s so hierarchic The Prime Minister's Office, a ministry led by the Prime Minister in person, is responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Government’s political programme. State Secretary (chair) Core members of the Ecosystem Forum Government Ownership and steering 18.2.2019

Ecosystem Forum as a tool: users in blue, Ecosystem Forum process in red Strategy Session Strategy Session Solutions Workshop Ministerial Group Ministerial Group Preparation Working group Permanent Secretaries’ Meeting Permanent Secretaries’ Meeting Reflection Ecosystems Ecosystems

Impact of the Ecosystem Forum Society Maintaining open dialogue on digitalisation policy Crossing sectoral barriers and silos Defining and exploring interconnections within ecosystems Economic growth through ecosystems Administration Novel policy-making tool Stronger cooperation and coordination within administration Direct link to stakeholders Companies and individuals Opportunity to have an impact and participate in problem-solving New business ideas Better digital services

Ecosystem Forum Solutions Workshops 15 August 2017: Secondary use of health data 27 September 2017: Smart city for individuals and companies 10 November 2017: Lifelong learning in the digital age 17 January 2018: National Transport Sector Growth Programme 26 January 2018: Information policy 15 March 2018: Wellbeing through sustainable data economy 24 April 2018: Finland’s maritime policy 25 April 2018: Human-centric city 4 October 2018: Digital Future in the EU (Finnish Presidency Agenda) 26 November 2018: Social Security Reform and Housing Policy