Personal Planning System Enterprise Edition The Personal Planning System Enterprise Edition Printing Progress Notes
Open the Reports Menu and select Documentation Open the Reports Menu and select Documentation. Then click on Progress Notes.
Most of the time you will want to select “All People” and “All Objectives”, but you could print one progress note if that was all you needed.
Click OK. Once reports have been sent to the printer, your screen will ask if you want to print another report, if you answer “no” you will be taken back to the main menu.
Sometimes you may wish to print the Progress Note Summary Report Sometimes you may wish to print the Progress Note Summary Report. This gives all of the progress notes for a certain period of time. Let’s do that now, printing the Progress Note Summary for a 6 month’s period.
Progress Notes Summary report is found under the Documentation Section of the Reports menu.
Most of the time when we want to print this report, we do all Objectives for one person.
Type in a 6 month date span. When you click on the down arrow to the right of the upper box, a list of all of the consumers will appear. We only have one consumer in this Learn directory, so we will select Crandall, Elizabeth.
Then click on OK
After the report is sent to the printer, your screen will return to the Main Menu.
To Summarize . . . Choose Print Progress Notes or Progress Note Summary from the Documentation part of the Reports Menu Make any changes in the default answers that you wish to make Click on OK and watch the report come out your printer