Romans 12-13
Romans 12-13 Series Outline Living Sacrifice, (12:1) A Changed Person, (12:2) Walk According to Your Abilities, (12:3-8) Walk According to Your Calling: In Love, (12:9-10) Fervent in Spirit, (12:11-12) How we interact with Others, ( 12:13-16) Dealing with Vengeance, (12:17- 13:7)
Give Ourselves to the Lord Romans 12 Give Ourselves to the Lord Living Sacrifice Pattern of OT Sacrifices Lev 1:3, 10, Sin or Trespass Offering – Without blemish Lev 22:18-25, Free Will or Vow Offering – Without blemish, From your own stock Deut 15:19-23, Offering of First Born – Not worked, Not sheared, Not Blemished
Give Ourselves to the Lord Romans 12 Give Ourselves to the Lord Living Sacrifice Holy to God OT Sacrifices were to be Pure Mal 1:6-8, Israel had failed in their offerings Acceptable to God OT Sacrifices were to meet his qualifications
Give Ourselves to the Lord: Applications Romans 12 Give Ourselves to the Lord: Applications Nature of Our Sacrifice (Analogies made from OT Pattern) Holy Of the First Of the Highest Quality Of Our Own Resources Acceptable According to his commands
Give Ourselves to the Lord: Applications Romans 12 Give Ourselves to the Lord: Applications What we can Do Devotion to Righteous Living Devotion to God’s Word Devotion to the Saints Devotion to the Church Devotion to the Lost Encourage Others Give of Our Finances Give or Our Time
Give Ourselves to the Lord: Applications Romans 12 Give Ourselves to the Lord: Applications Common Hindrances Being Minimalist Attachment to our valuable resources Fear
Give Ourselves to the Lord Romans 12 Give Ourselves to the Lord Living Sacrifice Holy to God Acceptable to God Reasonable Service We are his Creation We are Capable We have Abilities
Romans 12 Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.