Challenges to the New Government Chapter 9.2
Securing the Northwest Territory Trans-Appalachian West between the Appalachians, Mississippi River Spain, Britain, U.S., Native Americans all claim parts of land Spain threatens to close New Orleans’ port to American trade Stirs up trouble between white settlers, Native Americans Britain violates Treaty of Paris, holds forts in Northwest Territory Supports Native Americans who clash with American settlers
Battle of Fallen Timbers President Washington sends troops into Northwest Territory Native American tribes defeat U.S. troops twice Washington sends more troops led by Anthony Wayne Defeat Native Americans at Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794) 12 tribes sign Treaty of Greenville with United States (1795) surrender much of present- day Ohio, Indiana to the U.S.
The Whiskey Rebellion Farmers resist U.S. tax on whiskey More economical for farmers to sell rye whiskey than bushels of rye Use whiskey as money to get supplies In Pennsylvania, farmers stage Whiskey Rebellion against tax (1794) Troops subdue rebellion, show government has power to enforce laws
The French Revolution French Revolution— French people rebel against their government France declares war on Britain, Holland, Spain Some Americans want U.S. to support revolution and the cause of liberty Others do not want war with Britain U.S. remains neutral, not siding with one country or other (1793)
Remaining Neutral British seize cargoes of American ships from the French West Indies Seizures make it difficult for the U.S. to remain neutral U.S. Chief Justice John Jay convinces British to sign Jay’s Treaty (1794) British pay for damages to U.S. vessels, leave Ohio Valley by 1796 Jay fails to open profitable British West Indies trade to Americans
Continued Remaining Neutral Thomas Pinckney convinces Spain to sign Pinckney’s Treaty (1795): allows Americans to travel freely on the Mississippi River store goods at New Orleans without custom duties Spain accepts 31st parallel as boundary between Florida, U.S.