So what is “Customer Service”? To “Serve” is to expend oneself for the benefit of another. It takes the “Me” out of the equation and puts the focus on the person paying for service. It is a business transaction as well as a personal transaction.
Customer Service If Customer Service was not very important to us, what would we need to do, above and beyond our own self-interest, to ensure that our customers have a less than stellar experience? Nothing! Simply go about your own interest and it will soon become clear to the customer that their needs are not the focus of your attention.
Customer Service Poor Customer service happens all by itself. It doesn’t need any help to be poor. Customer Service (good or bad) is really just a question of determining whose needs are most important to you, and acting on it.
What the customer experiences when they come to our store consists of; What the customer sees (Crew and store appearance) What the customer hears (Verbal communication) What the customer tastes (Quality and freshness) What the customer gets for the money (Value) How long the customer has to wait (Efficiency and timeliness) Discussion - What specifically do our customers expect with each of these examples?
Sacrifice Let’s take a look at the Sacrifice that comes with great service: To serve requires that a reasonable amount of sacrifice be given of you for the well-being of the customer. Attention needs to be given to customers even when other tasks need to be completed. Grumpy customers need to be given better treatment than what they are giving you. Smiles need to be seen even when we may not feel particularly cheerful. The pain or stress of a long shift may need to be endured for the sake of helping a customer get home to their families quicker. Apologies may be needed to be made even when it isn’t your fault. Free pizzas may need to be given when we make a mistake (or even when we don’t). Pride needs to be swallowed at times when you would rather point the finger. Often times we need to check our problems at the door and work really hard not to let them enter the workplace.
How does Excellent customer service effect? The Customer? The Crew members? The Managers? The Business/Owners You?
How does Poor customer service effect? The Customer? The Crew members? The Managers? The Business/Owners You?
Discussion by store; What do we do well? What do we not do so well?
Action Plan; What is our Customer Service goal? What 3 main steps do we need to take to get there? What is each of your specific responsibilities to accomplish your goal?