Welcome Key Stage 1 SATS 2018
Valence Primary School SATS 2018 In the summer term 2018, children at the end of Key Stage 1 will sit SATs papers. SATs have been overhauled in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 to reflect the changes to the National Curriculum, which was introduced from September 2014.
Tests in Reading and Maths In the summer term, Year 2 children will take SATs in Reading Maths – Arithmetic and Reasoning
WHAT WILL BE ASSESSED BY TESTS? TESTS for YEAR 2 in 2018 Reading Maths TEST 1 – combined reading prompt and answer booklet TEST 2 – more challenging separate reading booklet and reading answer booklet All Children sit BOTH tests TEST 1 - Arithmetic TEST 2 - Reasoning In 2018 the tests will be marked internally by teachers and, in some cases, the results moderated by Local Authorities.
Reading The reading test for Year 2 pupils will involve 2 separate papers Paper 1 consists of a selection of texts totalling 400 to 700 words with questions on each page Paper 2 comprises of a reading booklet of a selection of passages totalling 800 to 1100 words. Children will write their answers in a separate booklet.
SAMPLE READING TEST QUESTIONS Reading Test 1 has combined text, questions and answers. Children will be asked to tick correct answers, they will be expected to find and retrieve facts and sometimes explain their answers.
Reading Test 2 will have a more challenging separate reading booklet and reading answer booklet.
Reading Each paper is worth 50% of the marks and should take around 30 minutes but children will not be strictly timed as the tests are not intended to assess children’s ability to work at speed. The texts in reading papers will cover a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry and will get progressively more difficult towards the end of the test. Teachers will have the option to stop the test at any point that they feel is appropriate for a particular child.
Maths test The maths test will comprise of two papers Paper 1: Arithmetic – worth 25 marks and taking around 15 minutes Paper 2: Reasoning – problem solving and reasoning worth 35 marks and taking around 35 minutes. There will be a variety of question types – multiple choice, matching, true/false. Children will not be given any tools such as calculators or number lines/squares.
SAMPLE MATHS TEST QUESTIONS - REASONING Some questions are read by the teacher. Look at the picture of Sam and Ben in question 5. Sam’s arm is fifty centimetres long. Ben’s arm is forty centimetres long. How much longer is Sam’s arm than Ben’s arm? Write your answer in the box.
Timing of tests The SATs are due to take place in May. Although the tests are set externally, they will be marked by teachers within the school. Instead of the old National Curriculum levels, children will be given a standardised score. Teacher assessments will also be used to build up a picture of your child’s learning and achievements. In addition, your child will receive an overall result saying whether they have achieved the required standard in the tests. The Department for Education aims for 85% of children to achieve the required standard.
ENGLISH AND SCIENCE Other national curriculum subjects including WRITING, SPEAKING AND LISTENING and SCIENCE will be assessed by your child’s teacher based on their work throughout the year.
REMEMBER – ALL CHILDREN ARE DIFFERENT! Attainment Children develop at different times and in individual ways, but at the end of Year 2 the DfE guidelines for English and Maths are as follows:- Children not meeting the WORKING TOWARDS ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ category for a pupil at the end of Year 2 WORKING TOWARDS the ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ for a pupil at the end of Year 2 WORKING AT the ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ for a pupil at the end of Year 2 WORKING AT GREATER DEPTH within the ‘Nationally Expected Standard’ for a pupil at the end of Year 2 For Science pupils will be grouped into 2 categories - Working at the expected standard, or a category for those pupils who do not meet the standard. REMEMBER – ALL CHILDREN ARE DIFFERENT!
HELPING AT HOME Try not to put pressure on your child. Support with homework and targets that have been discussed at Parents Evening. Read regularly and discuss a variety of texts – not just ‘listening’ to your child read. Short bursts of mental maths, times tables and problem solving etc. There will be additional homework set for the Easter holidays in order to support your child in Maths and English.
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