English 1 Semester 1 Finals Vocabulary PowerPoint Presentation


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Presentation transcript:

English 1 Semester 1 Finals Vocabulary PowerPoint Presentation English 1 (Freshman Year) *Use for Semester 1 Vocabulary Final*

Adieu Definition: “Farewell”; a farewell. Synonym: “So long” or “Good-bye” Antonym: “Hello” or a greeting

Brigand Definition: To caution or advise against something; scold mildly; to remind of a duty. Synonym: Warm Antonym: Praise

Doleful Definition: (adj.) Sad, dreary. Synonym: Sorrowful, mournful, melancholy, and dolorous Antonym: Cheerful, blithe, jaunty, and buoyant

Expulsion Definition: (n) The process of driving or forcing out. Synonym: Ejection, ouster, and eviction Antonym: Admittance and admission

Annihilate Definition: To destroy completely. Synonym: Obliterate, decimate, and demolish Antonym: Foster, promote, encourage, and nurture

Condone Definition: To pardon or overlook. Synonym: Ignore, wink at, and turn a blind eye to Antonym: Censure, condemn, disapprove, and deprecate

Adherent Definition: A follower, supporter, attached, sticking to. Synonym: Disciple Antonym: Opponent, adversary, critic, and detractor

Dissolute Definition: (adj.) Loose in one’s mortals or behavior. Synonym: Dissipated immoral corrupt Antonym: moral and proper

Arduous Definition: Hard to do, requiring much effort. Synonym: Hard difficult, laborious, and fatiguing Antonym: Easy, simple, and effortless

Access Definition: Approach or admittance to places, persons, things; and increase. (v) To get at, obtain. Synonym: Entry, admittance, and entrée Antonym: Total exclusion

Biased Definition: Favoring one side unruly, prejudiced. Synonym: Unfair, partial, and bigoted Antonym: Fair, impartial, unprejudiced, and just

Jeer Definition: To make fun of rudely or unkindly. A rude remark of derision. Synonym: Laugh at, mock, and taunt Antonym: Applause, and accolades

Larceny Definition: Theft. Synonym: Stealing, robbery, and burglary No Antonyms found for this Word

Fortify Definition: To strengthen, build up. Synonym: Reinforce, shore up No Antonyms found for this word

Obstreperous Definition: Noisy, unruly, disorderly. Synonym: Wild, rowdy, uncontrolled, and riotous Antonym: Quiet, well-behaved, and docile

Abscond Definition: To run off and hide. Synonym: Bolt, make off, and skip to town No Antonyms found for this word

Bogus Definition: False, counterfeit. Synonym: Phony, fake, and spurious Antonym: Genuine and authentic

Diffuse Definition: To spread or scatter freely, or widely; (adj.) wordy, longwinded, scattered, or wildly spread. Synonym: Disperse, rambling, verbose, and prolix Antonym: Consent, rare, brief, and concise

Exodus Definition: A large-scale departure or flight. Synonym: Emigration, escape, and hegira Antonym: Immigration, influx, arrival, and entrance

Exorbitant Definition: Unreasonably, high; excessive. Synonym: Extreme, inordinate, and overpriced Antonym: Inexpensive, affordable, and reasonable

Anarchy Definition: A lack of government and law; confusion. Synonym: Chaos, disorder, turmoil, and pandemonium Antonym: Law and order / Peace and quiet

Brazen Definition: Made of brass, shameless, impudent Synonym: Saucy and bold Antonym: Deferential, respectful, and self-effacing

Diligent Definition: (adj.) Hardworking, industrious Synonym: Saucy and bold Antonym: Deferential, respectful, and self-effacing

Ghastly Definition: (adj.) Frightful, horrible, deathly pale. Synonym: Dreadful, appalling, gruesome, and gristly Antonym: Pleasant, agreeable, attractive, and delightful

Incessant Definition: (adj.) Never stopping, going on all the time. Synonym: Ceaseless, constant, and uninterrupted Antonym: Occasional, sporadic, and intermittent

Lucrative Definition: Bringing money in. Synonym: Gainful and moneymaking Antonym: Unprofitable, losing, and in the red

Lucid Definition: (adj.) Easy to understand, clear; rational, sane. Synonym: Limpid and intelligible Antonym: Murky, muddy, obscure, and unintelligible

Deadlock Definition: A standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces; (v) to bring to such a standstill Synonym: Standoff, stalemate, and impasse Antonym: Agreement and accord

Efface Definition: To wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed. Synonym: Blot out, erase, obliterate, and expunge No Antonyms found for this word

Hoodwink Definition: To mislead by a trick, deceive. Synonym: Dupe and put over on Antonym: Undeceived, disabuse, and clue in

Latent Definition: Hidden, present but not realized. Synonym: Doormat, inactive, and undeveloped Antonym: Exposed, manifest, and evident

Prattle Definition: (v) To talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; to babble. Synonym: (v) Chatter / (n) Twaddle, gibberish, and piffle Antonym: Anything Mrs. Davy says!

Marauder Definition: A raider, plunder. Synonym: Looter, pirate, and freebooter No Antonyms found for this word

Pauper Definition: An extremely poor person. Synonym: Destitute person Antonym: Millionaire and tycoon

Pensive Definition: Thought, melancholy. Synonym: Dreamy, reflective, contemplative, and wistful No Antonyms found for this word

Succumb Definition: To give way to superior force, yield. Synonym: Submit, die, and expire Antonym: Overcome, master, and conquer

Salvage Definition: (v) To save from a fire or shipwreck. (n) Property thus saved. Synonym: Rescue, recover, retrieve, and reclaim No Antonyms found for this word

Spasmodic Definition: (adj.) Sudden and violent but belief. Synonym: Irregular and occasional No Antonyms found for this word

Sprightly Definition: Lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful. Synonym: Frisky, peppy, spirited, animated, and buoyant Antonym: Sullen, spiritless, dull, morose, and sluggish

Adjourn Definition: (v) To stop proceeding temporarily; move to another place. Synonym: Suspend Antonym: Open, Call to order.

Sully Definition: To soil, stain, tarnish, besmirch. Synonym: Pollute and taint Antonym: Cleanse, purify, and doctrine

Superfluous Definition: (adj.) Exceeding what is sufficient or requiring, excess. Synonym: Surplus and supererogatory Antonym: Necessary, essential, vital, and indispensable

Supplant Definition: (v) To take the place of, supersede. Synonym: Replace, displace, and oust No Antonyms found for this word

Unbridled Definition: (adj.) Uncontrolled, lacking in restraint. Synonym: Unstrained and unchecked No Antonyms found for this word

Surmount Definition: To overcome, rise above. Synonym: Conquer and triumph over Antonym: Be vanquished, be defeated, and a succumb to

Taunt Definition: (v) To jeer at, mock; (n) An insulting or mocking remark. Synonym: Ridicule and deride Antonym: Undeceived, disabuse, and clue in

Tantalize Definition: To tease, torment by teasing. Synonym: Tempt, lead on, and makes one’s mouth water Antonym: Satisfy, fitful, and gratify

Surly Definition: Angry and bad-tempered; rude. Synonym: Gruff, sullen, cranky, grouchy, and hostile Antonym: Polite, gracious, civil, and genial

Stagnant Definition: Not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull. Synonym: Still, motionless, inert, and fetid Antonym: Flowing, running, fresh, and sweet