Unit 3 Grade 9
Abridge V. To shorten Synonym: to condense Monty abridged the lengthy article in order to make it fit into the allotted space in the newspaper.
Amoral Adj Without moral quality; neither moral nor immoral Synonym: lacking moral qualities Though it is tempting to get angry at your dog when he disobeys your orders, it is important to remember that animals are amoral and are not capable of making the right choice all the time.
Autonomous Adj Able to take care of one’s self Synonym: independent In an effort to help her son become more autonomous, the mother allowed him to pick out his own clothes each morning.
Caustic Adj Capable of burning or destroying something; fiercely sarcastic Synonym: bitter Owen’s caustic sense of humor is sometimes misinterpreted; people often think that he is being mean while he just thinks he’s being funny.
Congenital Adj Relating to a condition present at birth Synonym: innate Because the parents were aware of their baby’s issue before birth, they were better prepared to deal with his congenital concerns after he was born.
Deleterious Adj Injurious to one’s health Synonym: dangerous The teacher tried to watch all thirty of her students complete the lab to hopefully keep them from making any deleterious mistakes during the procedures.
Egocentric Adj Having a heightened interest in oneself Synonym: conceited Margaret believed that she would have no trouble getting elected, as she thinks that she is the only viable candidate; however, her classmates have no patience for her egocentric attitude and elected Stanley instead.
Farcical Adj Ludicrous; absurd Synonym: nonsense No one could take Edwin seriously in such a farcical and silly costume.
Husbandry N. The cultivation of crops or animals for food Synonym: farming Colin decided to enroll at the local agricultural high school in order to better learn how to make a successful career in husbandry.
Insolent Adj. Boldly rude or disrespectful Synonym: brazen The insolent student answered the teacher’s question rudely and was sent to the office as a result.
Manifest Adj Readily perceived; evident Synonym: obvious The fact that Jane was overwhelmed was manifest as soon as you walked in the door; the kitchen was a mess, toys were scattered everywhere, and children were running around unsupervised.
Obtuse Adj. Not quick or alert; dull Synonym: imperceptive The obtuse man did not realize that by standing in the middle of the aisle he was preventing the rest of the shoppers from passing by him.
Petulant Adj. Showing impatient irritation Synonym: peevish The petulant child stomped his foot when his mother refused to buy him a second ice cream cone.
Rebut V. To refute with evidence Synonym: to oppose Alicia’s argument was so strong that Mike was unable to rebut it with any concrete facts.
Scrupulous Adj. Having a regard for what others consider right; being careful and precise Synonym: careful Editors really love working with Ethan because he is scrupulous and always carefully edits his own work before sending it off to his publisher.