Catholicism vs. Protestantism Write “C” for CATHOLICISM, “P” for PROTESTANTISM or “B” if it applies to BOTH religions in the time period after the Reformation
1. Bible is the sole source of truth Protestantism
2. Salvation is by faith and good works Catholicism
3. Clergy are not allowed to marry Catholicism
4. Holy book is the bible Both
5. People are saved by faith alone Protestantism (Lutheranism)
6. Elaborate ceremonies and churches Catholicism
7. Hierarchical organization of church Catholicism
8. Was a common religion in Europe in the 1500s Both
9. Bible was written in the vernacular Protestantism
10. Included Lutheranism, Calvinism, and Anglicanism Protestantism
11. Had monasteries Catholicism
12. Priesthood of all believers Protestantism
13. Services conducted in Latin Catholicism
14. Pope was the ultimate authority in interpreting the bible Catholicism
15. Set up courts called the Inquisition to try and punish heretics Catholicism
16. Helped the poor and needy in society Both
17. Issued indulgences as pardons for sins Catholicism
18. Church had little political authority Protestantism
19. The bible and the church tradition were equal in regards to guiding Christian life Catholicism
20. Created an Index of Forbidden Books Catholicism