John Adams
Vice-President under Washington A strong Federalist Britain and France still at war and seizing contraband (war materials) headed towards other countries Peacetime army and navy
XYZ Affair
Secretary of State sent to stop French from seizing American ships. French agents (XYZ) demand $250,000 to begin negotiations. Adams angry and breaks off negotiations
Alien and Sedition Acts
Backlash from the XYZ Affair Meant to frighten foreigners
Alien Act
President could deport/imprision ‘dangerous’ aliens (foreigners)
Sedition Act
Forbade anyone from making any negative remarks about the government/president
Thomas Jefferson
3rd President Secretary of State under Washington Democratic-Republican (was called the Anti-Federalists) was opposed to a large federal gov’t.
Louisiana Purchase
828,000 sq. mi. for $15 million Doubles size of the nation Gain control of the Mississippi