Essential Question: How do elections work, and what are those numbered propositions?
Two Types of elections Primary Election: an election used either to narrow the field of candidates for a given elective office or to determine the nominees for political parties in advance of a general election. https://ballotpedia.org/Primary_election Arizona state law provides for semi-closed primaries, meaning that a voter generally must be registered as a party member in order to participate in that party's primary. A previously unaffiliated voter can participate in the primary of his or her choice. https://ballotpedia.org/Primary_elections_in_Arizona#Prima ry_election_systems_used_in_Arizona
General Election: a regularly scheduled local, state, or nation al election in which voters elect officehol ders. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/general-election A voter can vote for candidates of any party they wish. They do not have to vote for only one party, but can.
What are all the signs on the corners that say vote YES or NO? These are ballot measures that people vote on. Initiative is where voters may directly propose laws Referendum is where voters can approve proposed laws. Who usually votes on laws?
What do the numbers mean? 100’s Constitutional amendments, whether initiated by the people or referred by the Legislature, are numbered in the 100s. 200 Citizen initiatives to create new or amend current state laws (statutes) are numbered in the 200s. 300 Legislative referrals to create new or amend current statutes are numbered in the 300s. 400 Local matters are numbered in the 400s.