Exchange and Sharing of Economic Data STATISTICS Exchange and Sharing of Economic Data Rami Peltola, UNECE Task Force
Task Force STATISTICS The CES Bureau set up a Task Force (Canada, Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Poland, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, United States, ECB, Eurostat, IMF, OECD, UNECE, UNSD and WTO): 1. Stage: April 2017 – June 2018: Review concrete examples of data exchange Identify enablers and obstacles of data sharing Propose ways to detect crucial MNEs and changes in their activities 2. Stage: July 2018 – June 2020: Identify innovative ways to exchange of economic data Provide guidance, tools and principles
Your main conclusions in 2017 STATISTICS Rethink the principle of confidentiality in an environment where micro data may already be publicly available Promote establishing large cases units where MNEs are significant Coordinate the various work streams to avoid duplication Continue advancing research in this area and share the outcomes with the AEG
Consultations carried out in 2018 STATISTICS CES Bureau in February Sharing examples, communication, overcoming legal obstacles, feeding into and benefiting from other groups Group of Experts on National Accounts in May Already exchanged micro data, elaborating resources, drafting templates, possibilities within current laws, LCUs CES plenary session in June Iterative approach, legal framework, benefits to MNEs, role of international organizations OECD WPFS-WPNA meeting in November Reconciliation, LCUs, other domains, communication, publicly available data, real case to show benefits
Guidance on large cases units (LCUs) Stage 1 STATISTICS Extend guidance starting from Chapter 6 of the Guide to Measuring Global Production Paper: Proposed approach for dealing with MNE groups: Large Cases Unit A network of experts on multinational enterprise groups, including experts from LCUs and other units focusing on multinational enterprise groups’ data Seminar on LCUs in April 2019 Eurostat LCU Grant ESTP training on LCUs
Next steps Model templates and agreements for data exchange STATISTICS Model templates and agreements for data exchange Review of innovative ways to exchange data Guidance on the work of LCUs Ideas from other industries, e.g. tax authorities’ data exchange, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative etc. Communication and promotion of the idea to exchange economic data Final report
Innovative ways to exchange data STATISTICS Innovative approaches encourage countries and international organizations to be involved Innovative organizational structures and business models Secure, easy to use and state of the art technical infrastructure Data exchange aspects: Purpose, type of data, regularity Technical considerations and innovations in the structure of data and sharing data, algorithms, services or computation Examples categorized by the above-mentioned aspects and technical solutions
Concerns both ad-hoc and small-scale exchange of unit-level data Guidance, tools and principles – data exchange template with instructions STATISTICS Concerns both ad-hoc and small-scale exchange of unit-level data Can be applied both in bilateral discussions and in data exchange over encrypted systems Describe decision making procedures, documentation requirements and agreements related to data exchange Distinguish data exchange between EU authorities and authorities outside the EU
Guidance, tools and principles – data confidentiality agreement STATISTICS Data are used for statistical purposes only Enterprises cannot be contacted on the basis of data received Data shall not be provided to any third parties Strict disclosure control must be used when publishing statistics from the received data. Published data shall not enable identification of a statistical unit Data shall be stored in a secure environment and access to data shall be limited to persons in charge of tasks for which data were received The data received shall be deleted when they are not needed anymore or after a pre-agreed period of time
Guidance, tools and principles – classifying data by its sensitivity STATISTICS
Tentative structure of the final report STATISTICS Status of data exchange in statistics Enablers and obstacles of data sharing Detecting MNEs and changes in their activities Guidance and principles for the exchange of economic data Using the exchanged data to analyze MNEs’ activities and improve quality Future scenarios for collection and exchange of economic data
Issues for discussion STATISTICS What are the expectations towards the Task Force’s recommendations and outcomes of work? Is the AEG aware of innovative practices or success stories related to data sharing in statistics or other domains? Does the AEG see links between the Task Force’s work and recent initiatives on the development of national accounts? What should be the focus of discussions with Chief Statisticians at a possible side-event on data exchange at the UN Statistical Commission in 2019?