Schools and families working together to ensure student success SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL September 14, 2017
SCHOOL SITE COUNCIL (SSC) – Responsibilities The SSC is a decision-making council for all programs funded through the Consolidated Application (meal applications). Developing, revising and adopting the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Ensuring that a school meets all federal parental involvement mandates. The development and approval of the school-level Title I Parent Involvement Policy. The development and approval of the Title I School-Parent Compact. The development and approval of the Title I parental involvement budget. The proposed expenditures of all categorical funds. The development of the comprehensive school safety plan.
Green Act – ED 35147 (key points) Any meeting held by a council or committee shall be open to the public. Any member of the public shall be able to address the council or committee during the meeting on any item within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council or committee. The council or committee may not take any action on any item of business unless a) the item appeared on the posted agenda, or b) the council or committee members find, by unanimous vote, that there is a need to take immediate action and that the need for action came to the attention of the council or committee subsequent to the posting of the agenda. If a council or committee violates the procedural meeting requirements described above, and upon the demand of any person, the council or committee shall reconsider the items at its next meeting after allowing for public input on the item. Mrs. Petrossian – posting, announcements, and compliance
Parliamentary Procedure Basic Rules (Robert’s Rules of Order) To facilitate the transaction of business and to ensure that all members have equal rights, privileges, and obligations Establish a quorum (7) Discussions, motions, votes, and adjournment Bylaws (key points) Membership may not be assigned or transferred. Members/officers will be automatically terminated from the School Site Council when they are absent from four (4) meeting in one year. Officer terms = 1 year Emailed to member
OFFICERS FOR SSC CHAIRPERSON Preside at all meetings. Sign all letters, reports and other communications of the council. Perform all duties relevant to the office of the Chairperson. Participate in planning of meeting agendas. Have other such duties as are prescribed by council. VICE-CHAIRPERSON Represent the Chairperson in assigned duties. Substitute for the Chairperson in his or her absence. Participate in planning of the agenda. SECRETARY Conduct roll call to establish quorum. Keep minutes of all regular and additional meetings of the council. Provide the signed and dated original meeting minutes to the principal or designee. Assist in keeping the records of the council. Maintain a current roster of the council members. Perform other such duties as are assigned by the Chairperson. Participate in the planning of the agenda. PARLIAMENTARIAN Assist the Chairperson in ensuring all rules and bylaws are followed. Be knowledgeable about the California Open Meeting Law (Greene Act), District policies, bylaws of the council, and selected parliamentary procedures. Participate in planning of the agenda.
Officer Elections
2016-2017 SPSA Goals Evaluation 100% Graduation GOAL: For the class of 2017, increase the graduation rate by 3% from 92% (Class of 2015) to 95%. MyData: 97% graduation rate for the Class of 2017 Did we meet the goal? English Language Arts GOAL: By June of 2017, the percentage of students that “met” and “exceeded” standards [SBAC] will increase by 5% overall from 68% to 73%. TOMS: 76% of students met/exceeded (208/273) Mathematics GOAL: By June of 2017, the percentage of students that “meet” and “exceed” standards [SBAC] will increase by 20% overall from 18% to 33%. TOMS: 23% of students met/exceeded (63/273)
2016-2017 SPSA Goals Evaluation cont. English Learner Programs By June of 2017, VAAS will increase the number of EL’s that are “on track” to graduate with a ‘D’ or better by 10% (from the current 55% to 65%). MyData: By the end of 2017, 49% of ELs were on track to graduate. Did we meet the goal? Culture and Climate Goal #1: On the 2016-2017 School Report Card: Increase by 50% the student response to having a meeting about the IGP from 33% to 83%. Goal #2: On the 2016-2017 School Report Card: Increase by 50% the parent response to having a meeting about the IGP from 26% to 76%. In addition, increase by 10% parents who feel they are partners with the school in decisions made about their child’s education from 58% to 68%. Did we meet the goal?
2016-2017 SPSA Goals Evaluation cont. Social/Emotional Goal: By June 2017: Decrease the percentage rate of chronic absenteeism by 2%, from 6% (2015) to 4% (2017). MyData: This data for this goal is based on LAUSD’s School Report Card which will not be available until spring. However, when looking at My Data the chronic absenteeism rate in 2015/2016 was 8.6% and 11.2 in 2016/2017. Did we meet the goal?
Budget Modification Request