Local Workforce Development Programs to Support Human Resources Professionals
Overview Change Drivers Happening Now in Mesa County Solutions and Resources A call to join us This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Why are our businesses open to change? Recruiting, hiring & training costs Colorado businesses $24K+ per employee An estimated 25,000 weekly job vacancies in high-growth industries go unfilled because of a LACK OF SKILLED WORKERS, costing the state more than $300 million in lost GDP Middle-skilled positions take 15% longer to fill in Colorado compared to the national average High costs of recruitment, hiring & training Takes too long to fill Weekly job vacancies due to lack of skilled workers cost millions in lost GDP
Labor Force as our State Demographer Sees It Aging – key reason labor market is so tight Boomers were almost 40% of the labor force 8 years ago. Most all of the “aging out” will complete within the next 7 years. Fewer Gen X and labor force participation falling at the younger end Demands will vary by industry but there will be a huge increase in demand for caregivers (1 in 10 jobs) and workers will be leaving labor force to care for family/friends. (50+) More racially/ethnically diverse (grad rates?) Estimated leavers based on age and participation rates. 2000-2010 = 300,000 2010 – 2020 = 400,000 2020 – 2030 = 600,000
These facts are fundamentally changing the employer/employee relationship. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND
Her Summary for Mesa County - Everything is connected – population, jobs, age, migration, labor Due to tight labor force we need to look at: Migration – how do we attract and retain. (housing, university, community, name recognition) Increase labor force participation – young, older, family friendly Education – youth, race/ethnicity, retrain Aging Impact - opportunities and changes to the labor force, income, industrial mix, housing, service demand, etc.? Mesa County has a comparative advantages plus assets – air, education, health, outdoor recreation Growth but slowing – how do we balance? Are we prepared for the risks - recession, water, industry transition, infrastructure needs – facing Mesa County and Colorado?
The current state is working for 18-23% of our students Why is our Education System open to change? Students start high school Do not Students reach graduation Enroll in college The current state is working for 18-23% of our students Return for a second year Education is open because they know these numbers better than most of us Receive a post-secondary degree1 Immediately enter employment In Colorado 1 Certificate, associates or bachelor's degree within 150% of allotted time SOURCE: The Colorado Talent Pipeline Report 2015
The Colorado Talent Pipeline = Several Leaks to Fix! Out of 100 9th Grade Students 77 Graduate High School On-time 44 Enroll in Post-Secondary Education 35 Return for their Second Year 18 of these graduates enter our workforce 23 Complete a Postsecondary Credential
These facts are changing the way Employers and our Educational System works together for economic growth This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA
Workforce Center Kick Start (state funded internships) NCRC (ACT’s Work Keys) Job Connects Menu FindYourFuture.us Young adult career exploration website Partnership with Chamber, CareerWise, District 51, Higher Ed
Mesa County - Work Ready Community Accomplishments (18 month period) 3,944 NCRC’s administered 120 Platinum certificates awarded 126 Local employers supporting initiative 12 Job Profiles completed 13% - Mesa County test takers testing out at 13% higher than the national avg. on the NCRC (2017) Integrated the NCRC electronically into all School District 51 high schools Incorporated NCRC testing into all local workforce development initiatives Launched a regional work ready community initiative engaging neighboring counties to participate (Delta, Montrose, Ouray, Gunnison counties)
Next Steps: Re-Affirming your Support
We have an innovative School District 5 traditional High Schools Several others like Caprock, R5 and Grand River Academy Career Center School to Work Alliance Program The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Naviance, ACT Work keys, ect… Bo Tobin new contact along with Cheryl Taylor and Andrea Bolton
STEM Work-Based Learning Career Technical Education STEM Employability Skills Voc Rehab Internships Work-Based Learning Learning opportunities that occur in the workplace and provide hands-on, real world experience. Job shadows Ascent Program Growth vs Fixed mindset Concurrent Enrollment ICAP Capstone Industry Credentials
Career Exploration While in K-12 Starts at earliest levels with Fixed vs Growth Mind Set Work Site Tours and Job Shadows STEM Programs & Schools Naviance software for exploration and assessment College and Career Counselors Virtual Job Shadows a partnership with the Workforce Center All 10th grade students will be completing a virtual job shadow as part of their ICAP Individual Career & Academic Plan – multi-year process
Work-Based Learning Progression Internships On-Site Job Shadows Virtual Job Shadows Worksite Tours Work-Based Learning Progression Apprenticeships
(competitive mastery) Various programs for Work Based Learning have been growing in our community for over 10 years Job Shadow (toe in the water) Internship (swimming) Apprenticeship (competitive mastery) We’ve been doing various work based learning programs in our community for over 10 years and this was a natural fit because of it. Along with competency assessments like NCRC
Internships One semester to one year (approx. 60 to 120 hours) Specific training goals Mentoring and supervision Job readiness outcomes and attainment of transferable skills Worker’s Comp covered by employer Based on age requirements Paid Unpaid - Worker’s Comp covered by the School District
CareerWise Apprenticeships 3 Year Program Students earn a wage Opportunity for concurrent college credit Industry credentials Real-work experience Increase employability skills
And our University is Outstanding Colorado Mesa University Career Services Handshake
Darcy Weir, Workforce Development Coordinator
Summary Change Drivers Happening Now in Mesa County Solutions and Resources A call to join us-are you in? Thanks for all you do to help us grow together This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY