8th Grade Louisiana History / Unit 1 Formative Performance Task 1 SUBSTITUTION How does geography deal with natural features and phenomena of the earth's surface, as landforms, drainage features, climates, soils, and vegetation? Description of Formative Performance Task: You will define the definitions of Physical and Geography and be able to explain them. Featured Source: http://www.dictionary.com/ Featured Tech Tools: Computer with internet access Steps: Use http://www.dictionary.com/ to define “physical” and “geography.” What do these definitions have in common? How does adding the word “physical” to “geography” alter the quality of each word’s meaning? Give examples on how this relates to the topic question. Teacher Name: Debra Dorenbush School: CPAS West Email Address: debra.dorenbush@cpsb.org Special Considerations: Assessment: 8.5.2 Analyze and predict consequences of environment modifications on Louisiana and its inhabitants
8th Grade Louisiana History / Unit 1 Formative Performance Task 2 AUGMENTATION By using latitude and longitude how can we can specify virtually any point on earth? Description of Formative Performance Task: Using post it notes, you will practice marking latitude and longitude lines on a map of Louisiana. Steps: Work in pairs to locate these coordinates using the website linked to the right. Record the features on a political or physical map. Locate the following coordinates: 29.9N., 90.1W. 30.5N., 91.1W 29.5N., 93W. 32.5N., 93.7W Challenge!: 29.1N., 89.2W https://www.gps-coordinates.net Featured Tech Tools: Computer with internet access Featured Source: Teacher Name: Debra Dorenbush School: CPAS West Email Address: debra.dorenbush@cpsb.org Special Considerations: Assessment: 8.3.3 Apply knowledge of geography skills and terms to: • create maps and diagrams • plot latitude and longitudinal coordinates • read and interpret a map
8th Grade Louisiana History / Unit 1 Summative Performance Task 3 MODIFICATION How do the five regions reveal how Louisiana's culture is so diverse, and adds a unique note to Louisiana's heritage? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will create a PowerPoint presentation that describes one of the cultural regions of Louisiana. Louisiana is separated into five regions, Greater New Orleans, Plantation Country, Cajun Country, Crossroads and Sportsman's Paradise. Steps: Pick one of the five cultural regions, and present all of the following information in one Google Slide: The parishes in the region Main cities Natural resources Music Art / Entertainment Food Economic development Insert a Google map showing an entertainment site Featured Source: Google Slides Featured Tech Tools: Computer with internet access Teacher Name: Debra Dorenbush School: CPAS West Email Address: debra.dorenbush@cpsb.org Special Considerations: Assessment: 8.4.3 Explain ways in which inventions and technological advances have affected Louisiana’s culture
8th Grade Louisiana History / Unit 1 Summative Performance Task 4 REDEFINITION After viewing each student’s PowerPoint, what do you think should be added for clarity? Description of Summative Performance Task: You will critique the slides. Steps: View the slides to critique them. Answer the following questions: What slide gave the best information for its topic? Did the design of the slides add to or take away form the presented material? What other information could be added to learn more about the culture? Discuss how the cultural diffusion impacted this region. Featured Source: Google Slides Featured Tech Tools: Computer with internet access Teacher Name: Debra Dorenbush School: CPAS West Email Address: debra.dorenbush@cpsb.org Special Considerations: Assessment: 8.4.2 Describe the causes and effects of cultural diffusion and its impact on diversity in early Louisiana
IMPACT SAMR Cover Sheet Teacher : Debra Dorenbush 8.5.2 Analyze and predict consequences of environment modifications on Louisiana and its inhabitants Question from “Content and Claims” Here : Task Description Featured Source Suggested Technology You will critique the slides. Google Slides Computer with internet access You will create a PowerPoint presentation that describes one of the cultural regions of Louisiana. Louisiana is separated into five regions, Greater New Orleans, Plantation Country, Cajun Country, Crossroads and Sportsman's Paradise. Using post it notes, you will practice marking latitude and longitude lines on a map of Louisiana. https://www.gps-coordinates.net You will define the definitions of Physical and Geography and be able to explain them. http://www.dictionary.com/ REDEFINITION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. transformation MODIFICATION Technology allows for the creation of new tasks that were previously not conceivable. AUGMENTATION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with some functional improvement. enhancement SUBSTITUTION Technology acts as a direct tool for substitution with no real change.