Social Media Day of Thanks Urology Care Foundation
Who: What: Where: When: How: Bladder Health Alliance Members, Foundations, Patient Advocacy Groups, general public, any person or groups with ties to National Bladder Health Awareness Month and/or interest in bladder health and research Who: What: Posting on social media during our designated Day of Thanks Where: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media platform When: Thursday, November 15 How: Post on social media using #BladdersMatter
Sharing #BladdersMatter stories Tweeting once per hour from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. to thank bladder health champions Tweeting “Thank you” and “Tell Us Why #BladdersMatter to You” throughout the day Sharing #BladdersMatter stories Encouraging social media followers to participate in Day of Thanks What the Urology Care Foundation is doing
Share #BladdersMatter stories Encourage social media followers to participate Promote Day of Thanks in the weeks and days leading up to increase awareness Ask stakeholders of organization to participate Utilize Social Media Day of Thanks Toolkit: Sample social media posts Graphics Who to Follow Ideas to Get Involved How the Bladder Health Alliance can participate
Questions? Thank you!