THE DREAMING PROJECT FINAL CONFERENCE Trieste, 14th June 2012 Beyond DREAMING? Future prospects; strategic and operational choices and decisions Marco.


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Presentation transcript:

THE DREAMING PROJECT FINAL CONFERENCE Trieste, 14th June 2012 Beyond DREAMING? Future prospects; strategic and operational choices and decisions Marco dAngelantonio Managing Director of HIM SA (Brussels – Belgium)

DREAMING is not (just) a project DREAMING is also a project but … It is mainly a long-term initiative launched by HIM SA in 2003 It is a registered trademark It is a registered logo The project that will end on 30 th June 2012 is just a milestone in a path which will hopefully lead to the large scale roll-out of AAL based services in support of older peoples independent living 2

What is DREAMING about? The quest for a sustainable ICT-based elderly care solution The systematic building of evidence to sustain the business case for the large-scale deployment of the solution The permanent search for sources of funding and new business models which can accelerate the roll- out of innovative elderly care services 3

DREAMING before and after DREAMING Conception and fine-tuning of the idea Pilots Development of the solution Commercialisation SmartCare 4

Smart clothes Traditional biosensors Integration biosensors- environmental sensors Wearable sensors Implantable sensors Domotic Positioning, navigation Behaviour analysis As technology evolves DREAMING evolves 5

The DREAMING partners are seriously committed Friuli Venezia Giulia: the DREAMING services will continue to be provided, as foreseen in the Grant Agreement, to the current and a few additional users while decisions are made on the basis of the outcome of the trials Aragon: new layers of population have been included in the service in addition to those who participated to the trials: Dependent elderly people Older people living in elderly residences South Denmark: new independent older people have been offered the services using an up-to-date technological platform 6

The DREAMING partners are seriously committed Germany: on-going negotiation with health insurers to include telemonitoring among the reimbursable items of service and addition activities for increasing the evidence base (RENEWING HEALTH & United4Health) Sweden: waiting for some essential components provided at national level for integration with main care information systems to be put in place not to duplicate investments and create new information silos Estonia: reflection underway to evolve towards a service to offered in Estonia and abroad to reach economies of scale and sustainability 7

Pilot A proposal submitted under the ICT PSP proposal Date of submission: 15 th of May 2012 Total investment: 16 MEuros EU contribution: 8 MEuros Probable start date (… if retained): 1 st of January 2013 Currently under evaluation (Please keep your fingers crossed!) SmartCare 8

Regional partneships (due to become Local SmartCare Alliances) Friuli Venezia Giulia (IT) Carinthia (AT) Brussels (BE) Baden Württemberg (DE) South Denmark (DK) Tallin (EE) Aragon (ES) Basque Country (ES) Extremadura (ES) Murcia (ES) Valencia (ES) South Karelia (FI) Central Greece (GR) Attica (GR) Northwest Croatia (HR) Veneto (IT) Noord-Brabant (NL) Rotterdam (NL) Uppsala (SE) Amadora (PT) Serbia (SR) Northern Ireland (UK) Scotland (UK) 9

AGE Platform Europe ASBL Assemblée des Regions dEurope Continua Health Alliance Eurocarers Stichting International Foundation for Integrated Care Federation Europeenne des Associations Infirmieres European Patients' Forum Empirica SmartCare The other partners 10

SmartCare 11

SmartCare From conventional to smart care 12

SmartCare Unprecedented scale Region Number of users Older people (care recipients) Health professionals Social care professionals Informal carers Friuli-Venezia-Giulia South Denmark Scotland Aragon Tallin South Karelia Attica North Brabant Uppsala Kraljevo Total

SmartCare Summary of main features 14 Authorised National Representatives from 11 different Member States Single intervention in all pilots sites (aggregability of data = high statistical power) Open approach towards incorporation of regions committed to deploy integrated care for older people Transferability model (no need to repeat trials in any single European region) 14

Conclusions The progression in evidence building from DREAMING to SmartCare addresses and hopefully solves the main obstacle to the deployment of advanced ICT-based elderly care services: Lack of a convincing business plan showing an Return on Investment from the deployment of ICT-supported services for older peoples care 15

Marco d'Angelantonio Managing Director Boulevard Lambermont 84 B Bruxelles Tel: GSM: Skype username: marcodangelantonio Fax: