Mt Magnet Australian Curriculum: Science Day 2
Australian Curriculum PURPOSE Teachers develop capacity to support each other with the implementation of Australian Curriculum: Science Teachers improve their confidence with teaching science content of the Australian Curriculum: Science
Australian Curriculum Cross-curriculum planning Start thinking about how you can deliver science curriculum through your literacy and numeracy programs. Is it already being done? How? What kind of support do you need to develop your cross- curricular ideas/plans?
Australian Curriculum SHARING LESSONS & WORK SAMPLES Tuning in Triads –It provides a way of talking to others about your work and the work –of your students, helping to fine tune your ideas –giving and receiving of feedback in a supportive environment
Australian Curriculum TUNING IN TRIADS In groups of 3, share your student work samples Presentation – 5 minutes Clarifying questions – 2 minutes Pause to write feedback – 2 minutes Warm feedback – 2 minutes Cool feedback – 2 minutes Response and open conversation – 2 minutes
Australian Curriculum Moderation for Day 2 Bring a set of work samples for Science – below, satisfactory & above achievement standard. If youre not yet using AC Science Achievement Standards, bring Curriculum Framework equivalent (B, C, D grades) Provide 3 copies of each for moderation
Australian Curriculum MODERATION ACTIVITY Process Groups of 3 in year groups Describe the context of the task and share 3 work samples Discuss any rubrics or marking key developed Identify key features of below, at and above achievement standard Annotate samples Consensus of group Feedback for student – identify teaching points
Australian Curriculum ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS Across Foundation to Year 10, achievement standards indicate the quality of learning that students should typically demonstrate by a particular point in their schooling. Achievement standards comprise a written description and student work samples. An achievement standard describes the quality of learning (the extent of knowledge, the depth of understanding and the sophistication of skills) that would indicate the student is well placed to commence the learning required at the next level of achievement.
Australian Curriculum A-E GRADES – SCSA Vs Whats on the intranet… A Excellent The student demonstrates achievement that has greatly exceeded the expected standard. Their achievement is well beyond what is expected at this year level. B Good The student demonstrates achievement that exceeds the expected standard. C Satisfactory The student demonstrates achievement at the expected standard. The student is able to progress to the next level of learning. D Limited The student demonstrates achievement below the expected standard. The student demonstrates a quality of learning that is adequate for progression but will still need additional support or assistance to progress. E Very Low The student demonstrates achievement
Australian Curriculum Purpose of WACAO The Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline: sets out the knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes that students are expected to acquire, and guidelines for the assessment of student achievement is mandated for all Western Australian schools provides comprehensive information that schools can use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents.
Australian Curriculum Development of WACAO The Australian Curriculum provides the policy background for development of the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline. Feedback on the draft K–10 curriculum and assessment outline was provided by SCSA stakeholder forum groups between October 2012 and March 2013 Schools should commence using the Western Australian Curriculum and Assessment Outline from Semester 2, 2013.
Australian Curriculum Principles of Assessment Go to SCSA website – lists the 6 Assessment Principles Integral Educative Fair Meets specific purpose Lead to informative reporting Lead to school wide evaluation process….
Australian Curriculum MORNING TEA
Australian Curriculum SCIENCE RESOURCES Overview of different search methods Australian Curriculum resources Featured or recommended resources Digital resources Student portal Scootle Everything else…JOIN OUR WIKI MidwestPrimaryScienceNetwork
Australian Curriculum MULTI AGE CLASSROOMS Key considerations: Differentiate the curriculum Conceptual threads Overarching ideas Minute Paper: How do you plan for multi-age classes in your school?
Australian Curriculum ASSESSMENT PT3 (Paper, Passing, Purpose Tool) Individually write a definition of assessment. Pass your statement anticlockwise. Each participant reads the statement and underlines key words and phrases. This is done silently. A recorder writes underlined words on large post-it, prioritising words/phrases Group creates a statement that all participants agree on.
Australian Curriculum PURPOSEFUL ASSESSMENT SEE HOW TEACHERS IDEAS FROM PT3 WERE COVERED HERE Assessment is the purposeful process of gathering appropriate and sufficient evidence of competence, and the interpretation of that evidence to enable a judgement. Included in this model is the recording of the evidence, as well as the communication of the outcomes to key stakeholders (Griffin & Nix 1991) What is the purpose of your task? – teaching & learning – monitoring achievement – accountability to stakeholders What sort of evidence do you collect? How do you interpret these observations?
Australian Curriculum ASSESSMENT – KEY MESSAGES assessing understanding and skills assessing for, as and of learning developing tasks with multiple entry points providing students with opportunities to self assess and improve prior to performance
Australian Curriculum TASK DESIGN: Collecting evidence & extending tasks Blooms COGNITIVE TAXONOMY KnowUnderstandApplyAnalyseEvaluateCreate Do Say Make Write Student can make a CONSEQUENCE WHEEL that analyses the possible consequences that arise from the destruction of the rainforest. Students verbally discuss what they understood about the rainforest environment, from the video. Students can apply their class knowledge to interacting in a human energy chain in which class members create physical links to those other members of the class that they interact with. (eg – child playing the tree connects with the child playing the sun) Student can create a new management strategy for protecting the rainforest and verbally present this to the class. Student can link their method to previous learning and are aware of the positives and negatives of their strategy. Student can write a FISHBONE DIAGRAM that evaluates the cause and effect of a rainforest management approach Students gather basic information on rainforest ecosystems through watching a video.
Australian Curriculum PLANNING ASSESSMENT TASK Design an assessment task related to your sequences of learning Identify desired results - What should students know, understand and be able to do? Determine acceptable evidence - How will I know if students have achieved the desired results? Plan learning experiences - What learning experiences will enable students to achieve the desired results?
Australian Curriculum Linking the threads How does this all fit with 5Es & Primary Connections? Collaboration – the only way forward Shared cross-curricular assessment tasks – school wide assessment? Moderation – LOTS OF IT Engage in professional learning – LOTS OF IT Join the wiki Join STAWA Join Scitech – connect with others to ease the load
Australian Curriculum LUNCH