SCAR SWG Forest Up-dates on the forest-based sector under the Framework Programme Doru-Leonard IRIMIE, Dr. Research Policy Officer Directorate F - Bioeconomy DG RTD, European Commission Sofia, 4 June 2018
SWG FOREST (2016-2018) 1. Study/Report on forest bioeconomy R&I in Europe (Dec 2017) - DONE 2. Study/Report on the assessment of forest-related ERA-NETs and COST actions (Mar 2018) - DONE 3. Joint SCAR-COST connect event 5 June 2018, Sofia (BG) 4. Position paper of R&I needs of the forest-based sector in Europe (end 2018) 5. Policy brief on the international dimension of EU-funded research (beginning 2019) AOB: 27 Sep 2018, PPT in SFC Meeting (tbd) 2/18/2019
SCAR SWGs/CWGs under scrutiny… Outcome of last SCAR SG meeting (17 May 2018): SWGs and CWGs will make presentations and be evaluated before the SCAR Plenary meeting in Dec 2018, against their work plans and progress. SCAR SG Task Force on the Working Groups: Eric (NL), Anita (AU), Bjarne (DK), Kulli (EE), Mike (UK). All the Working Groups will provide information to the SCAR SG in autumn. On these bases, recommendations will be made to the SCAR Plenary, where decisions will be taken on the future of the groups. ASSUMING success, SWG Forest in need to already design future WP [2019-2020] … 2/18/2019 3 3
SCAR World 2/18/2019 4 4
SCAR World 2/18/2019 5 5
LC-SFS-22-2020 - Forest soils RIA Resulted from discussions within PC SC2 on the EJP on agricultural soil management (LC-SFS-20-2020) Preliminary discussions within the Commissions (RTD-AGRI and other policy DGs part of the HG SC2), challenges associated with forest (eco)systems: soils erosion related to natural disturbances such as storms and forest fires or simply poor forest management/harvesting practices soil compacting due to the same practices and/or water regime/wetland management, etc. Research needs, e.g. soil carbon estimation, soils typology/analysis [?] … Expectations from the call: ideally, a number of national research institutes looking into forest soils (albeit not exclusively/mandatory, i.e. competitive open call), brought under one project (ca. 10 MEUR tbc) […] 2/18/2019 6 6
Next Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 1.
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Source: visual from General Factsheet p 3, title from Communication part 3, text Communication page 4, COM(2018) 321/4. Source: General Factsheet p 3, title from Communication part 3, text Communication page 4, COM(2018)321/4.
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Upcoming: 7 June 2018