The Psychology of Conspiracy Theories “’Conspiracism has become a kind of para-religion.’ Citing a survey from George magazine, the author went on to claim that… ‘three-quarters of Americans believe that the Government is involved in conspiracy.’ Depending on your level of venality, that statistic can be read as either a mass psychosis or a marketing opportunity.” Marin & Gegax Alexander Brad McKay
Taco ‘Liberty’ Bell Hoax April 1, 1996, Taco Bell takes out a full page ad in New York Times claiming that they purchased the Liberty Bell. April Fool’s Joke Ad Costs Taco Bell $300,000 Thousands of people call to angrily protest Did it help Taco Bell? Sales increase over $1 million in 2 days Why this public reaction?
Human Beings are powered by emotion, not reason Emotion and reason are intertwined, but when they are in conflict, emotion wins every time. Under times of great stress and anxiety, people can become borderline delusional.
It brings order out of chaos. Power & Knowledge “The more powerless people feel, the more they tend to conceptualize ways to explain the complexities of their surroundings.” Na'im Akbar, Ph.D It brings order out of chaos.
the more you find out you don’t know.” Power & Knowledge Lower class/under-educated Educated and bourgeoisie class (middle) “The more you know, the more you find out you don’t know.”
Power & Knowledge Mrs. Clinton blamed the sex allegations on a "a vast right-wing conspiracy" against President Bill Clinton.
Conspiracism in History “Pastoral to Horticultural Societies” – about 10,000 years ago. The emergence of social inequality. “Agricultural Societies” – up to 5000 years ago. Ancient Greece. “Industrial Societies” – up to 250 years ago. Kings and dictators. “Postindustrial Societies” – today. i.e. North Korea
Conspiracism in History McCarthyism – 1950’s
Collective Consciousness? Social ‘currents’ largely at odds with the cultural mainstream. Radical counter-cultures or coincidences?
Conspiracy Theory or Chance & Ambiguity? African-American Community – Tuskegee syphilis experiments 1932 – 1972 Human Beings as Laboratory Animals A survey of African-American church members found that 35% believed AIDS was a form of genocide, while 30% unsure. Many see a parallel.
Conspiracy Theory or Chance & Ambiguity? Questions to ask: Did several unrelated events occur that coincidentally pointed to a final event? With so many variables in this complex world, is it even conceivable that there is a group of individuals orchestrating entire events? YES Watergate scandal
Conspiracism does exist. Why would people do this? To provide an outcome in their favor – usually a means to remain in power. To obtain the emotional need for importance and see them themselves as prophets (or God-like). To leave their mark in history; even if it’s not to their credit.
Psychological Effects The Harm Can generate a sense of helplessness Interpretations can feed the needs or prejudices of many people, providing ample support for their causes i.e. Radical religious groups, endless supply of suicide bombers, terrorist ideologies
The more you know, the more you find out that you don’t know. Study by Ted Goertzel1 A survey of 348 residents of southwestern NJ showed that most believed that several of a list of ten conspiracy theories were at least probably true. Black & Hispanic respondants were more likely to believe in conspiracy theories than were white respondants. There were few significant correlations with gender, educational level or occupational category. The more you know, the more you find out that you don’t know. 1. Rutgers University Sociology Professor, Camden, NJ 1992
10 Survey Topics 1. Do you think it likely that President Kennedy was killed by an organized conspiracy, or do you think it more likely that he was killed by a lone gunman? 2. Anita Hill was part of an organized conspiracy against Judge Clarence Thomas. 3. The AIDS virus was created deliberately in a government laboratory. 4. The government deliberately spread the AIDS virus in the homosexual community. 5. The government deliberately spread the AIDS virus in the black community.
10 Survey Topics 6. The Air Force is hiding evidence that the United States has been visited by flying saucers. 7. The FBI was involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King. 8. Ronald Reagan and George Bush conspired with the Iranians so that the American hostages would not be released until after the 1980 elections. 9. The Japanese are deliberately conspiring to destroy the American economy. 10. The American government deliberately put drugs into the inner city communities.
Results of study Conspiracy: 69% Lone Gunman: 14% 10% 22% 31% 23% Definitely True Probably True Probably False Definitely False Conspiracy: 69% Lone Gunman: 14% 10% 22% 31% 23% 5% 10% 25% 48% 3% 8% 26% 54% 4% 6% 26% 56% 12% 29% 25% 23% 9% 33% 22% 20% 16% 39% 23% 11% 16% 30% 30% 16% 7% 14% 29% 41%
Results of study
Conclusions Results show belief in conspiracy theories mainly with race, religion and social status. Educational level and gender showed no significant correlations. No end in sight for conspiracism in America More research needed to understand this phenomenon “The waning influence of traditional mores and myths in modern culture may partially explain the growth of Conspiracism.” Thomas Adamo
Conspiracy is in the mind of the beholder. Conspiracism Conspiracy is in the mind of the beholder.