Science Starter Pull out any late signed progress reports Answer the following in your binder in the science starter section: What are two differences between precession and nutation?
Every night this week, you will draw the moon HOMEWORK Every night this week, you will draw the moon Draw the moon tonight! Label the phase
During Class Label the phases of the moon and then answer the accompanying questions
Why does the moon change shape?
Where do you think it came from? ORIGIN OF THE MOON What is the moon? Where do you think it came from?
ORIGIN OF THE MOON There are 5 theories on where the moon came from: Fission Theory – moon was once part of earth and somehow was separated Capture Theory – moon was formed somewhere else and captured by Earth’s gravitation Condensation Theory – moon and Earth condensed together from the original nebula that formed our solar system
ORIGIN OF THE MOON Colliding Planetesimals Theory – moon condensed from debris from colliding planetsimals (very large chunks of rock like asteroids) Ejected Ring Theory – planestesimal the size of Mars struck Earth, ejecting large volumes of matter that eventually formed the moon
GUESS How old is the moon? How big is the moon in comparison to Earth? How much gravity is there on the moon?
ANSWERS The moon is 4.6 billion years old (about the same as Earth) The mass is about 1/80 that of Earth Surface gravity of the moon is 1/6 that of Earth
MORE ABOUT THE MOON Orbits Earth at an average speed of 2,300 mph Rocks and soil brought back by Apollo missions are extremely dry – no indigenous water No atmosphere – surface bakes in sun at up to 243°F for 2 weeks at a time while the dark side cools to -272°F
BRAINSTORM What are ocean tides? What is the difference between high and low tide? How many are there per day?
TIDES AND THE MOON Moon's gravitational pull on Earth is main cause of ocean tides Causes two bulges of water on Earth's surface high tides As Earth rotates, bulges move around it, one facing the moon, the other directly opposite. Two high tides and two low tides each day
BRAINSTORM What do you notice about the shape of the moon? Does it change over time? How? How often do you see a full moon?
PHASES OF THE MOON Shape of the moon appears to change in a repeating cycle (~ 1 month) because the amount of illuminated moon we see depends on the moon's position in relation to the Earth and the sun
PHASE VOCABULARY New moon = completely dark Waxing = Amount of light is increasing Light on the RIGHT = waxing
Waning = amount of light is decreasing PHASE VOCABULAR Waning = amount of light is decreasing Light on the LEFT = waning
PHASE VOCABULARY Crescent = when over half the moon is in shadow Gibbous phase = when over half the moon is lit Waning Gibbous
Those are the same stars, and that is the same moon, that look down upon your brothers and sisters …” Sojourner Truth NEW MOON The light from the sun is hitting the side of the moon facing away from the Earth. SUN EARTH
and your feet on the ground. Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground. - Theodore Roosevelt FIRST QUARTER MOON Approximately one week later, we see half of the lighted side of the moon. This is called a first quarter moon. SUN EARTH
All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep. Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep. -Catherine O'Hara FULL MOON Two weeks after the new moon, a full moon appears. The entire lighted side of the moon is facing earth. SUN EARTH
Moonlight is sculpture. THIRD QUARTER MOON Moonlight is sculpture. - Nathaniel Hawthorne Three weeks after the new moon, a third quarter moon appears. We surface of the moon from earth. can see half of the lighted SUN EARTH
Partner Work Your space ship has just crash landed on the moon. You will have to go out into the moon’s atmosphere to set up camp. What will you take with you? Don’t write on sheet. Draw table on a separate piece of paper