Objective: You will learn how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers by renaming fractional parts that represent a whole.
You know that… 1 whole can be divided many different ways can be renamed as a fraction. Example: If you divide 1 whole pizza pie into 4 equal parts, how can you rename the whole as a fraction. Strategy How can I use this idea to rename improper fractions like 5/4?
Convert an improper fraction to a mixed number by renaming fractional parts that represent a whole. Ex: Strategy “Take out” the wholes from the improper fraction. Simplify if necessary
Solve an equivalent fractions problem involving mixed numbers and improper fractions. Problem: 1 ½ is equivalent to which improper fraction? A. 8/4 B. 6/4 C. 5/4 D. 3/4 Strategy “Take out” the wholes from the improper fraction. Simplify if necessary.
Conclusion: In this lesson, you learned how to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers by renaming fractional parts that represent a whole. Convert an improper fraction to a mixed number by “taking out” the wholes in the fraction and renaming them Reduce/Simplify fractions when necessary Alternate strategy: think of the fraction as a division problem.