Final Coaches’ Meeting It’s the final count down . . . . . Final Coaches’ Meeting Tournament Information You will get your long term & spontaneous Times your workers assignment at the end of this meeting
From the Problem Captains….. Review paperwork with the team Arrive at Pre-Staging 15 minutes prior to Performance time Have a backup plan ……. Spontaneous for Long Term problem: All team members participate What can go wrong How can we fix it
Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3 Problem is in the auditorium this year Wood floor Problem 2 Problem is in the same room as last year Concrete floor Problem 3 Must have 4 copies of Style Form and Team List ARRIVE 20 minutes prior to performance time. This problem has a full day and they must stay on schedule.
Problem 4 WEIGH-IN ROOM OPENS AT 7:30 A.M. Your time is listed on the information sheet you will get tonight with you competition times. It will not be printed in the program – but will be posted on the weigh-in door. Weights that are planned to be at tournament: 6 - 45# 6 - 35# 10 - 25# 10 - 10# 10 - 5# Total weight of 880 lbs. If you believe your team will need more, please notify Regional Director ASAP
PROBLEM 5 Have team check that items listed on the style form for Free Choice are not scored anywhere else Remind teams to read and consider any general clarifications pertaining to their problem Have fun on Tournament Day!
Primary Please review handout about Lottery for State Tournament Plan to have your team attend the Primary Celebration at 3:00 p.m. in the Courtyard by Spontaneous Checkin Primary Teams going to State will be announced Coaches for teams going to state will meet with RD at 3:30 in the room that Primary performed in.
SPONTANEOUS No spectators You will not see a breakdown on your scores Primary gets feedback because they aren't competitive Please make sure team parents are aware Report 15 minutes before your time. Teams will check in down stairs. When they are ready the team and a coach will be escorted up the stairs into the holding room on the second floor (~10 minutes prior to their start time). The team and coach will wait in the holding room until called to the room for their spontaneous problem. When the team is called, the coach goes downstairs to wait for the team. REMEMBER THE TEAM SHOULD NOT DISCUSS THE PROBLEM OUTSIDE THE COMPETITION ROOM
Maps Team Map Spectator Map
Team Registration When you arrive please register your team. Coaches only may go into gym Bring the team paperwork for Long-Term We will be checking that you have all forms We will not be checking if it is correct If you are missing any paperwork, we will have blank forms and a table available for you to have your team come in and complete the missing forms. You will then receive your team packet. A copy of the certificates available on our website will be in the folder Your coach badge to identify you to the judges as the coach for picking up scores 10 Programs to give to the parents Certificates for all listed coaches
WORKER Check-in Gym Lobby Do not split shift between volunteers Must show PHOTO ID! Do not split shift between volunteers If the volunteer has changed they need: Membership Name Team Problem/Division Assigned work time
Other Info FOOD OPTIONS PHOTO OPT IN THE GYM Viera Students MAY offer a concession stand again. We are offering Jersey Mike’s box lunches by pre-order that will be delivered to campus. A portion of total sales will go to support Space Coast World Finals Teams. Orders due today. Talk to me if you still want to order. The Human Hamster Wheel will be on campus. This is a contraption that uses human power to shave ice for a snow cone. There will be fee. Profits are shared with the Region. PHOTO OPT IN THE GYM We will have a photo opt set up in the gym lobby after 10:00 a.m. with the Space Coast Banner. There will be signs the team can hold up to add to the photo as well as some photo booth type items. It will also be there during awards if you team wins. You can exit the floor and go to the area and take a team picture. NEW SIGNS THEN – LIKE FIRST PLACE, SECOND PLACE, WE’RE GOING TO STATE, REGIONAL FINALIST
Special Needs Let me know if you have a student with special needs (i.e. contact allergies, wheel chairs/crutches, medical devices that might make a noise, etc.)
Omer Fest Center courtyard TRIVIA AND GAMES: 2:00 – 4:00 If you can bring an activity or game to share, we would love to include it. They can be dropped off on Friday between 5:00 – 8:00 p.m
What paperwork will my team need the day of competition? 4 Style form 4 Team list - ALL PROBLEMS 1 Outside Assistance form 1 Cost form Team specific Clarifications Membership Status
Documentation for the problem and clarifications February 15th is the last day to submit clarifications
Keep checking, they can issue a General Clarification at any time
Competition Sites You received two maps of Viera High School with the competition sites marked in your packet tonight. One is for you and the team showing Team Entrances as well Spectator Entrances. The other is for Spectators and shows where they enter to watch the performance. This map will also be in the program. Problem 1 – Auditorium Problem 2 – Bldg. 3 Room 108 Problem 3 – Bldg. 4 Room 123 Problem 4 – Media Center Problem 5 - Bldg. 6 Div. I & III Room 127 Div. II Room 126 Primary - Bldg. 4 Room 115 Spontaneous – Bldg. 3 Check-in at bottom of stairs
Competition Day Long-Term The team needs to decide ahead of time if they will allow photographs and video recording. You may designate one official photographer if you disallow public photography. NO VIDEOS SHOULD BE POSTED ONLINE UNTIL AFTER WORLD FINALS. There is no guarantee that the judges will not get in the way of video. Their goal is to see every aspect of the skit. Report to your LT problem site about 20 minutes before you are schedule to compete. Check with the staging judge to see if they are ready for you. If so, you and parents may, if the team allows, help move props to the pre-staging area.
Doors – All props must fit through a doorway that measure 28”x78” and must be able to stand or be placed in an upright position in a standard room ceiling (7.7 – 8 ft.) Review pages 36 -43 of the program guide. Teams with prop weapons in their skit must keep them out of sight outside the competition room. Check with information for the designated practice area if needed.
Check-In at Pre Staging for your Problem Team gives their paperwork to the Staging Area Judge If there is a problem with the paperwork, the team will be given a chance to fix it Division II & III must fill out the paperwork themselves Division I may DICTATE to the coach Judges checks for footwear and other problem requirements When competition room is ready, the coach and parents may help the team move props to the STAGING AREA in the room There will be reserved seats for the coaches Parents and friends of the team competing are given preference on seating
When the judging team appears ready, the time keeper will ask if the judges are ready. They will respond. The team will then be asked if they are ready. Teams should have a prepared way to respond! The time keeper will then say, “You may begin!” Time Starts! Performance
When the skit is finished All video taping must stop. After the team’s long term performance, the judges will take some time to talk to the team. Parents and coaches need to stay in the audience during this time. When the Judges are finished they will return to their tables and the team will clear their props from the room. At this point, if the team is willing, the coach and the parents can help move the props out. Remember the team should be prepared to clean up after their performance. If they need a broom and dust pan due to their skit – BRING THEM!
Long Term Scores Each site will have a place outside the room where they will post “SCORES ARE READY FOR: “ When the scores are ready the coach may request the scores from the Head Judge The coach may ask the Head Judge questions or clarifications about the scoring, and the enters the time the meeting ended on the score sheet. Disputes or appeals of the scores must be initiated within 30 minutes of the time on the score sheet. After 30 minutes, the scores are sent to the score room. No appeals are heard once the score sheet has reached the score room. The coach returns to the Head Judge if an appeal is desired. The Head Judge will resolve the conflict; if resolution isn’t possible, the Head Judge will involve the Problem Captain. Almost always the Problem Captain is able to settle the appeal. If the appeal is not resolved at this level, the last appeal is to complete a “Request for Problem Intervention” and agree on a meeting time and place. A Tribunal of three association leaders will make the final decision at that time.
Wisdom from Experience Hold on to those props! Unless you want to start over, take care of the props after your performance. DO NOT LEAVE THEM ON CAMPUS. You never know, you might be needing them in April …….. Check the message board by information for notices. If your worker does not show, if a problem captain is trying to get hold of you we will have a note posted on a board by information. At the end of the Awards ceremony we will have a copy of the scores for your problem/division for each team. Turn in your Coaches Button to get your scores. Please only pick up the sheet for your team. We don’t print extras. AND PLEASE PICK UP YOUR TRASH around campus and in the gym. We will have been on campus since 6 AM and we want to go home too!
Other Forms on Space Coast website Letter to parents with Updates and some details about Tournament Day Letter to parents sent the week before giving times and other details on Tournament Day Team Information Sheet for Tournament Day (copy in packet)
Awards Ceremony The Odyssey way! We give ribbons for 4th & 5th ; medals for 1st, 2nd, 3rd We announce the teams Advancing to state after the other places Finally, we announce any Ranatra Fusca winners – they go on to state too! Coaches of Teams advancing to state meet immediately following the awards ceremony to get State paperwork No silly string, food or drink. Please clean up around you before you leave The Odyssey way! We run a tight ship here. Goal is to be finished in under an hour. Doors open at 6:15 and Ceremony starts at 6:30 Please talk to your team AND parents about showing respect for all teams and staying until the end.
New Spontaneous Award We are recognizing the top team in each spontaneous competition room. Team will receive a certificate for the school or membership Team members will receive a 1st place ribbon
Special Awards RANATRA FUSCA OMER AWARD OMER’s Award is named for the Odyssey of the Mind raccoon mascot, OMER, to recognize those individuals, coaches, team members, parents, officials and others who, during a tournament, serve as exemplary examples or role models through their actions or words. This award is also bestowed on team members who exhibit exceptional skill and talents. Nominations may be submitted throughout the day at the information desk. Not all nominated will receive the award. A committee will review each nomination and decide on the final recipients. The Ranatra Fusca Creativity Award is presented to teams or individuals who exhibit exceptional creativity. This is generally awarded for some aspect of a team’s performance or behavior at a competition. Success in solving the long-term problem is not a criterion for winning this award. This is designed to encourage risk taking when solving problems. One Ranatra nomination may be made by a judging team judging a particular problem in each division. The Ranatra Fusca is considered to be the essence of the Odyssey of the Mind program.
Distribution of Team Schedules
STYLE FORM Free Choice Elements 4 copies for Staging Judge Elaborates Long-Term problem Relates to the solution’s theme Team can showcase strengths Cannot be items already scored as part of Long-Term Categories Specific Scoring Elements Free Choice Elements Overall Effect Be very specific when describing elements on form. Artistic design, music, songs, choreography Construction, creative use of materials Humor, rhyme Overall effect (theme)
THIS LIST HELPS THE JUDGES KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR! Team List 4 copies to the Staging Judge Requirements that must be included on the list are found at the end of Section B. in each problem. Hand printed or computer generated on one side of 1 or 2 sheets of 8 ½ X 11 inch paper. THIS LIST HELPS THE JUDGES KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR!
COST FORM 1 copy for Staging Judge Must represent everything used during the LT & Style Doesn’t include items not used during presentation such as practice structures “Garage sale value” if used items Combine value of small items – “Miscellaneous” Exemptions (Program Guide p.47-49) Acquire materials creatively, “the art of scavenging” Cardboard, duct-tape, even “donations” all have value
Exemptions to cost form Have team read and check page 49 of the program guide when filling out the cost form! Assigned Value Items Also have them look over this list on page 48
Outside Assistance Form Teams Complete. If no outside assistance, write NONE