(Ongoing) Demands for Responsible Government (1848) What is it??
Types of Political Parties in United Canada (1841) Reformers Conservatives (Tories) They want CHANGE (reform…) Demand responsible government because their interests were not respected by governor and councils Existed both in Lower and Upper Canada Lower Canada Reformers: want to protect the rights of French-Canadians They do NOT want change because they already had a lot of influence over the governor and councils Mostly British businessmen Existed in Upper and Lower Canada, but mostly English-speaking members (only 2 French)
Legislative Assembly in 1841 Lower Canada Reformers Leader: Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine Upper Canada Reformers Leader: Robert Baldwin Conservatives (Upper and Lower Canada) Had influence over the governor How could the reformers increase their influence in the legislative assembly??
The Alliance of Reformers (1841) Baldwin and Lafontaine (the leaders of the Reformers) formed an alliance By working together, they made up a majority in the Legislative Assembly in 1842 French-Canadians agree to support the English Canadian’s economic legislation (laws) English Canadians agree to help protect the French language and culture in Lower Canada Both parties continued to demand responsible government When two become one…
Consequences of the Alliance of Reformers English-Canadian MPs pass laws on the economy French is recognized as the second official language Granting of Responsible Government in 1848
Granting of Responsible Government 1848 What changed Granting of Responsible Government 1848 What changed? // What stayed the same?? United Canada (1840)
Responsible Government 1848 Elements of change: For the first time, members of the executive assembly were chosen by elected members of the Legislative Assembly The executive council was responsible towards the voters, not the Queen The executive council had to maintain support of the legislative assembly, or else they lose power. Governor loses right to VETO
Responsible Government 1848 Elements of continuity: Members of the Legislative Council were appointed by the governor general (on recommendation from the Executive Council) United Kingdom maintained control over international affairs (country to country relations) Governor could still overturn a law, but this power was rarely used… Province of Canada was still a colony, not an independent state
Review Questions Why did Baldwin and Lafontaine form an alliance? Was their alliance successful? Explain your answer. Which image represents responsible government? Explain why. A. B.
How did Responsible Government Work? Look at image 10 on page 35 of your textbook. Explain how responsible government worked.
The Rebellion Losses Bill (1849) Reformers present to the Assembly various bills (laws) that were to the advantage of the French Canadians: Granting amnesty to the Patriotes (they will not be prosecuted/punished) Rebellion Losses Bill (1849) Granting compensation ($) to Lower-Canadian victims of the "troubles" of 1837-1838. A similar law was passed in 1846 in Upper-Canada. This law helped create more equality between Upper and Lower Canada (aka English and French Canadians) English merchants saw this law as a symbol that French-Canadians controlled the Legislative Assembly, and reacted violently.
Respecting Responsible GovernmentPolitical Instability The Governor, Lord Elgin, was asked by the British merchants to overturn the Rebellion Losses Bill Lord Elgin refused, and respected responsible government. The Bill was passed into Law in 1849 British merchants were unhappy, and burned down the parliament building in Montreal What does the passing of the Rebellion Loses Bill tell us about responsible government?