Message 2: The Danger of Hardened Hearts Hebrews 3:7-19
The Warning 2 The warning is NOT about … The forgetfulness of listening to God’s Word. The inability to comprehend God’s Word.
The Warning 2 The warning is about the unbelief in God’s Word and refusing to accept it. Context: The wilderness journey of the Israelites.
The Warning 2 Their Problem: Hardened Heart of Unbelief in God and His goodness unto them. Our Problem: Indifference to God’s Word. Gospel Fatigue. Will the clear voice of God speaking induce faith in us? (Luke 16:19-31).
The Unbelief 2 Text: Heb. 3:12-19 “take heed” – to see if there is unbelief in our heart. Results of Unbelief: Because of their unbelief, they were denied the entrance into the promised land. Sin of Unbelief: Often camouflaged with request for seeking for proofs and signs (John 14:11; Matt. 27:42; Luke 16:31).
God’s Rest 2 Text: Heb. 4:1-11 Sabbath Rest: In Creation – God had a rest in mind. The keeping of Sabbath is a sign of belief to this promised rest of God. Canaan Rest: The promised land was a preview of the rest to come. The invitation to the rest is still applicable today (Ps. 95).
God’s Rest 2 Eternal Rest: A special eternal rest from our earthly labour. Jesus had completed the work of God of redemption on the cross has obtained the eternal rest for us. Labour to Enter into the Rest: Be diligent so that we do not fall in like manner of unbelief.
Belief in God’s Promises 2 We have a better destiny in heaven waiting for us. God will wipe away all tears from our eyes (Rev. 21:4). We must have the heart to believe in God’s Promises.