Have your Catalogue (childhood) Poem ready to turn in. 4.6 Structure in Poetry Have your Catalogue (childhood) Poem ready to turn in.
Purpose Today we will: interpret a poem, focusing on sound devices analyze a poem’s structure present an oral interpretation
On Your Poetry Terms sheet… Write the following words, leaving space between them to add definitions Poetic Structure Line Break Stanza Sense Unit
What do these terms mean? Poetic Structure - the poet’s organization of words, lines, images, and ideas Line Break - where a poet chooses to end a line of poetry on the page, and begin a new line Stanza - a grouping of poetic lines, like a paragraph of poetry. Sense Unit - a complete thought as indicated by punctuation marks, a sentence of poetry
Turn to p. 273 Read Poem Aloud Discuss line breaks Capitalization Consonance, assonance, alliteration? Rhyme? Why do you think she structured the poem the way she did? (rhythm, rhyme scheme, emphasis on key ideas) What is her message?
TAG sentence stem Page 274 Use the TAG sentence stem to write an analytical statement connecting the author’s use of form and/or imagery to theme (message) and tone.
Revisit your Catalogue poem Look at your structure. Are your line breaks meaningful? Did you use stanzas? Do you have a title?? Mark changes you would like to make in line breaks and stanza divisions. Make a note in the margin of WHY you would choose to structure your poem this new way.